
Posts Tagged ‘Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’

Emily Letts did not film her own abortion (video)

by Gregg Cunningham

CBR has produced and posted on YouTube an abortion video which exposes the commercial fraud perpetrated by abortion clinic worker Emily Letts and her employer, the Cherry Hill Women’s Center.  These scammers have been all over the press in recent weeks with headlines such as “Woman films her own abortion to show the world how ‘cool’ it is.”

The problem is that Ms. Letts and the Cherry Hill Women’s Center didn’t “film her own abortion,” they filmed only her own face during what she somewhat dubiously claimed was her abortion.  The camera never reveals what is going on below her waist.  If we assume, for the sake of argument, that she actually did have an abortion, she and her abortion clinic employer obviously didn’t want viewers to see the incontrovertible evidence that abortion is an act of violence which savagely kills a real baby, even early in pregnancy.

Ms. Letts and her abortion clinic employer created their YouTube video as a disingenuous sales pitch and our rebuttal video is a consumer protection device intended to ensure women are not deceived regarding the humanity of their baby or the inhumanity of the abortion which Cherry Hill Women’s Center is trying to sell them.

CBR unmasks the horror of abortion with a video which splices abortion footage into Ms. Letts’ claims that she “… has no guilt” and “recalls the procedure with fondness.”  Those absurd assertions would only seem credible to viewers who have never seen an abortion.  CBR’s parody video will help reduce the number of Americans for whom abortion is a comforting abstraction, always kept carefully out of sight.

Elizabeth Barnes, Executive Director of the Cherry Hill Women’s Center and the Philadelphia Women’s Center, is Ms. Letts’ co-conspirator in this abortion industry infomercial.  She is also on YouTube proclaiming that “… we need to see more images in the media of women who choose abortion and it provides them a pathway to a new and better life.”  CBR replies that what we actually need are more images in the media of dismembered babies for whom abortion provided a barbaric end to life.  And if Ms. Barnes considers suing us for violating the copyright on her sales video, we say “Bring it on”–but we suggest she first read the federal judge’s opinion in Northland Family Planning Centers v. Center for Bio-Ethical Reform.

Gregg Cunningham is the Executive Director of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) and a frequent contributor to FAB.

UK abortion industry leader debates Gregg Cunningham

CBR UK displays abortion photos outside a BPAS abortion facility

CBR UK displays abortion photos outside a BPAS abortion facility.  (Click to enlarge.)

Excellent debate between Ann Furedi, CEO of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), the UK’s largest private abortion provider, and Gregg Cunningham, Executive Director of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR).

They debated the question of whether it is morally wrong to display graphic abortion images outside UK abortion clinics.  Furedi argued that it is immoral for CBR to show her prospective customers what she intends to do to their babies.  Cunningham argued it is immoral to hide the horror from them.

CBR-UK and Christian Concern, an association of Christian attorneys, co-sponsored this debate, and a capacity crowd filled the Emmanuel Center in Westminster, London.

More on this story:

Genocide Awareness Project returns to University at Buffalo; First Amendment restored

Debate and dialogue is possible

Debate and dialogue is possible, even in places like the University at Buffalo, when lawbreakers are not allowed to censor the undeniable facts.

In stark contrast to last year’s visit, the First Amendment was thoroughly upheld at the University at Buffalo (UB) this time around.  CBR returned to UB to deploy our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) on April 28-29.

FAB readers will recall the chaos that ensued on our first visit (stories here, here, here, and here).  As a result of university-sanctioned censorship, CBR filed a federal lawsuit against UB for permitting an unruly mob of pro-abortion protesters to purposely disrupt our peaceful, pro-life demonstration (link to stories here and here).

For those keeping score, this was only the second time in the history of GAP that CBR has been forced to file a lawsuit against a public university.  Usually, the knowledge of our willingness to defend speech rights is enough to ensure their enforcement.

The UB has a long history of obstructing pro-life speech.  When the UB Students for Life organized in 2010-2011, UB stalled their application for 9 months, until the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) forced UB to give the Students for Life the same access to UB spaces/facilities that all the left-wing students enjoy.  Story here: Recent Victory for Pro-Life Speech.  Later, UB students vandalized a Cemetery of the Innocents display, not once, but twice.  Stories here: Second Round of Discrimination and Vandalism at University of Buffalo Continues.

It was clear that sometime during the past year, the University at Buffalo “got religion,” as we say here in the South.  They were determined to prevent the kind of censorship that they allowed last year, and they did.

The area surrounding GAP was constantly abuzz with pro-life vs pro-abortion conversation, sometimes passionate and emotional, other times calm and intellectual, but always productive.

On Day 2, high winds and rain prevented us from constructing the full display, but volunteers made do with a smaller set-up and aggressive literature distribution.  Click to read our brochure,  How Can You Compare Abortion to Genocide?.



wind-resistant configuration

On Day 2, wind gusts up to 50 mph were in the forecast, so we reconfigured the display for maximum wind resistance. The bracing shown is more than sufficient to resist the calculated wind load at 50 mph. As a further safety precaution, we carried utility knives and were prepared to sacrifice the signs if necessary. Using a wind gage purchased from Walmart, we measured top wind speeds of only 19 mph.  In Spring 2006, a 7-sign configuration of our 4×8 signs successfully withstood gusts reported to be 48 mph at Oklahoma State University.

CBR appoints Ruby Nicdao as Project Director for Virginia

Ruby Nicdao and one of the babies she helped save at the largest abortion mill in Virginia

Ruby Nicdao and one of the babies she helped save at the largest abortion mill in Virginia. Through Ruby’s work, this mill has been permanently closed!

The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR), Southeast Region Operations, is pleased to announce the appointment of Ruby Nicdao as our newest Project Director in Virginia.

Ruby started pro-life activism as an engineering student at the University of Florida, when she was invited by a friend to pray near a local abortion mill.  Soon, she was counseling women on the sidewalk.  After graduating, Ruby continued sidewalk counseling on Saturdays while working full-time as an electronics engineer for the Department of Defense.

Ruby moved to Northern Virginia to study theology at the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College and worked as a systems engineer on missile defense systems.  She told FAB

It’s ironic that while our country spends billions to protect our people from ballistic missile attacks, millions of children are unjustly killed in the womb, under the radar.

Beginning in 2009, Ruby led 40 Days for Life campaigns at NOVA Women’s Healthcare, the largest abortion mill in Virginia.  The campaigners at this mill not only prayed to end abortion, they also exposed abortion using CBR “Choice” signs.

As a result of Ruby’s leadership, the number of abortions at NOVA dropped by 28 percent over four years.  In 2013, this abortion mill close forever!  Her most memorable pro-life experience came in 2014, when she held for the first time a baby she helped rescue from this death camp.

A resident of Fairfax, Ruby will work in close collaboration with Nicole Cooley of Churchville and Maggie Egger of Front Royal, CBR’s other Project Directors in Virginia.

If you’d like to support Ruby (or any of our staff members), it’s quick, easy, and secure to support CBR online.  Whatever you can do will make a huge difference.  To support Ruby’s work in Virginia, designate your gift for “Virginia Projects (SE-RMN).”

CBR’s Gregg Cunningham on abortion and the church (video)

Gregg Cunningham speaks with Pastor Matt Higa of New Hope Kauai Church at Kapaa, Hawaii.  Watch the entire video below.


The church response to this holocaust has been tepid, ineffective, timid, and risk-averse.  We are working to change that.

The Church is missing an enormously effective healing ministry [by covering up abortion.]  … We’ve had countless men and women tell us that actually seeing abortion forced them to stop rationalizing what they had done and seek forgiveness and healing.

If what we are doing is socially responsible and Biblically correct when we go onto a university campus to display abortion pictures to students whose professors are covering up the truth about abortion, why wouldn’t we do this on sidewalks outside churches whose pastors are covering up the horror of abortion?

1 aborton video + 1 smart phone = 1 baby saved

Outside a Baltimore Abortuary

Outside a Baltimore Abortuary

CBR Maryland reports on how a graphic abortion video on the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’s (CBR’s) website, AbortionNO.org, was used to save a baby’s life.

“Star” was counseling for only the second time ever outside Planned Parenthood (PP)of Baltimore.  Among the numerous couples she approached was a woman in her 30’s, escorted by her male friend.  While mom didn’t want to speak to anyone, her friend was willing to hang around and chat.  Like most people headed into an abortion clinic, he was convinced that this was the only choice.

Star procured a smart phone and persuaded him to watch the graphic abortion video posted on AbortionNO.org.  He was visibly disturbed and told her that witnessing abortion certainly did change his perspective.  Eventually mom came out again to retrieve her friend, who urged her to view the video herself.  Reluctantly, she did, and experienced the same paradigm shift.

Star continued counseling these two for 30 minutes, aided by other counselors on scene, until at last the couple departed the clinic, armed with information on a local crisis pregnancy center.  Victory!

Star was instrumental in another save that same day, and in a third encounter used the graphic video to persuade a woman to reenter the clinic and attempt to get her abortion-minded friend out of there (result inconclusive).

CBR encourages the use of graphic abortion images outside abortion mills.  The pictures do not make the sidewalk counselors unapproachable, and they have been instrumental in deterring several women from aborting their children.  Praise God that an image of man’s inhumanity can become a tool of life and love!

At University of Louisville, 65% of students say GAP effective!


Despite cloudy and rainy weather, 65% said GAP was effective, including 29% who said specifically that GAP changed their own minds.

People always ask us how we know GAP is effective.  Based on the nature and extent of anecdotal evidence alone, we are 100% certain that GAP wins hearts, changes minds, and saves lives.

However, actually quantifying the magnitude of the effect is a more difficult question.  Poll table results suggest between 5% and 15% of students change their minds from pro-choice to pro-life, but the sample is considered “biased” (a statistical term), because the participants self-select to respond (as opposed to being selected at random).  We have no way of knowing in which direction the bias affects the results.

Still, I just came across a set of class papers as representative of student opinion as we have ever encountered.  They were written by students for extra credit in an undergraduate philosophy class at the University of Louisville.  FAB is hard-pressed to believe that pro-lifers (or persuadables, for that matter) are more (or less) likely to take a philosophy class, nor do we believe that they are more (or less) likely to want/need extra credit.  If that’s true, then let us consider that possibilities that the data suggest.

A total of 17 students wrote papers for extra credit in their undergraduate philosophy class.  The professor in the class shared the papers with us.  (FAB couldn’t see the names of the students, only their remarks.)  Of 17 papers written:

  • 11 (65%) said the GAP display was effective, either because GAP either (a) changed their own minds, (b) caused them to think analytically, and/or (c) appeared to be effective at engaging students in general.
  • Of those 11, 5 (29%) said GAP changed their own opinions about abortion.
  • Another 2 said GAP forced them to think analytically about abortion, but did not say it changed their opinion.  That makes a total of 7 (41%) said that GAP was effective at getting them to think about abortion.
  • The remaining 4 (of the 11 who said GAP was effective) described GAP’s effectiveness in general terms, but did not specify an effect on themselves personally.
  • Only 5 (29%) said GAP was not effective, primarily because either (a) GAP didn’t change their own thinking, or (b) they noticed that some of the more vocal passersby tended to reject the message.
  • 1 (6%) did not state an opinion as to whether GAP was effective or not.

If these numbers are anywhere close to representative, then GAP is successful beyond our wildest dreams.  Below are representative comments:

Student B:

I had always believed in choice … but the pictures were too convincing.   I’m not sure why the relationship between abortion and genocide has never crossed my mind, but the display was surprisingly convincing.  … Abortion is a form of murder and genocide.

Student I:

… it truly changed my perspective on abortion …

Student L:

I had only a few cheap glances over at [the pictures], but what I did see I whish I would have not. … [The photos] made me think about this and I think that the pictures woke me up … and gave me a reality check. … The pictures said enough for me.

Student O:

The first picture stuck in my head and I just stared at it in total shock.  It was a picture of a tiny little embryo/baby, its head the size of a dime, lying dead in blood with all its organs visible … They are murdered because of the selfishness of others.

Student P:

I think these photos were used to prove the point that abortion is still murder and in mass numbers, should be compared to genocide.  I  didn’t think of abortion in this way until viewing the exhibit.

Student A:

It definitely make everybody not just stop and look, but to really think about the message …  It worked!

Student J:

They made the presentation so that you didn’t want to look but you couldn’t help but look.

Student Q:

It was a clear illustration of how a well-planned … project could reach hundreds of people in a very short span of time.

Student D:

The exhibit could not have made the point they wanted because every time I walked by it I seemed to see many liberals ranting about it.

Student E:

The purpose of [GAP] is as pointless as the message it is trying to convey.

Student N (self-identified as pro-life):

It seems to me that [the GAP display] was trying to be extra graphic to prove a point but in reality I thought it did the opposite.

Note:  Student N should speak with Students B, I, L, O, P, A, J, and Q.

Biola University defends abortion cover-up

Biola University has issued a statement (link here) in defense of their treatment of Biola alumnus Diana Jimenez when she was a student there.  The statement was issued by the Office of University Communications and Marketing.

FAB has previously reported on (a) Biola’s threats of arrest and expulsion (link to story and YouTube video here) and (b) Biola’s subsequent retaliation against Jimenez when efforts to silence her were made public in the YouTube video produced by the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (link to story here).

Biola’s release is reprinted in full:

Biola University is aware of a recent video posted online showing a student attempting to display inappropriate, graphic images on campus.

Biola abhors the destruction of innocent life through the brutal practice of abortion on demand, and we support student efforts to raise awareness and advocate for biblical convictions. However, there are numerous ways to go about activism on this issue, especially on our pro-life campus. The public displaying of very graphic, disturbing images — for whatever purpose, even one so in line with Biola’s heart — is not an appropriate venue of student expression on our campus.

At issue in this situation is not Biola’s commitment to biblical fidelity and the pro-life cause, which we steadfastly uphold. Biola has always been and will always be committed to supporting the pro-life movement and accommodating campus dialogue on the subject, and this has been communicated to students. (For more information, please read this overview of some of the ways in which the university advocates for the sanctity of life.)

This issue is about the appropriate free expression of views on these issues on our campus. As outlined in our Student Handbook, all student assemblies and forums are subject to approval by the office of the Dean of Students. In this instance, the student sought approval to display graphic imagery on campus and she was denied. Student Development communicated clearly with the student on the matter, explaining that the photos were not allowed because they would be disruptive to campus activity. Student Development expressed to her that she would be free to share information on this issue on campus through other methods (a table with handouts, a panel discussion, etc.). Even after multiple discussions with Student Development personnel, the student continued to disregard these discussions, chose to violate peaceful assembly policies, baited our Campus Safety officers, filmed when asked to stop, and continued her attempt to display these images on campus. Because she violated our policies and ignored our concerns, Campus Safety intervened. It is unfortunate that the situation has been misrepresented.

We are continually in prayer for our community: faculty, staff and students who care deeply for the needs of our society and who seek earnestly, with respect and integrity, to serve our Lord Jesus with conviction and courage. Thank you for your continued understanding and prayer on this matter.

 Questions for Biola University:

  1. You say that displaying disturbing images is not appropriate.  Why is it wrong for Biola students to be disturbed about injustice?  Especially an injustice that brutally destroys innocent human beings?  Especially a brutal, deadly injustice being committed by Biola students against their own children?
  2. How can you claim to support efforts to raise awareness about abortion and then work harder than Planned Parenthood to prevent awareness?
  3. If you believe abortion to be brutal destruction of innocent life, then what exactly are you doing to stop it’s practice among Biola students?  How does keeping students ignorant of the truth help?
  4. Comment:  Yes, showing abortion images on campus is disruptive to at least one campus activity, that of Biola students getting abortions because the full truth of abortion is being withheld from them.
  5. Comment:  Showing abortion images on campus is also disruptive to the kind of apathy among Christians that enables abortion to continue.
  6. You say that Ms. Jimenez violated “peaceful” assembly policies.  This is an obvious attempt to portray Ms. Jimenez as being not-peaceful.  How was she not peaceful?  Your attempt to deceive is unbecoming to a Christian institution.
  7. You say the situation has been misrepresented.  Really?  How so?  Who, specifically, do you claim has misrepresented the truth?
  8. Comment:  Yes, it is your commitment to the pro-life cause that is at issue.

Mobile ultrasound on campus because you supported CBR

Every week at George Mason University (GMU), a mobile ultrasound clinic from A Best Chioce (ABC) offers free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to women on campus.  Link to story here.  ABC explains why:

Ultrasound gives a woman an opportunity to bond with her baby early on, and 8 out of 10 abortion-minded women choose life after seeing their baby on ultrasound.  Women attending college are the most vulnerable to the deceptive lure of abortion, so we realize that a pro-life presence on college campuses is vital.  Sharing the truth will allow us to witness many lives saved.

Here’s something great:  By supporting CBR, you helped make this ministry possible!

Two years ago, we made GMU a priority for pro-life activism.  Our goals were to

  • recruit students who would restart pro-life activism on campus,
  • bring the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) to GMU, and
  • encourage a wide range of pro-life projects.

It was the Pro Life on Campus hat trick!

  • Read stories of GAP at GMU here, here, and here.
  • New pro-life activism here, here, and here.
  • Now, the GMU Students for Life (SFL) are hosting a mobile ultrasound and pregnancy resource center on campus every week!  Link to story here.

ABC is the only mobile ultrasound and pregnancy resource center in the DC area.  Executive Director Angela Clarke and Medical Director Dr. Kirsten Ball both played key roles in helping us restart the GMU SFL.  Now, the GMU SFL is hosting ABC’s mobile ultrasound unit every week.  Cooperation … what a concept!

Explanatory note:  On most campuses, non-student groups like CBR and ABC can’t just show up and occupy space.  We have to reserve that space.  Under most circumstances, we can’t just reserve the space ourselves; we have to be hosted by some on-campus department or student organization.  That’s why GMU SFL is critical.

Because you helped us get GMU SFL back on its feet in 2011, babies are being saved today.  It’s the pro-life double-whammy:

  • Show people the truth … Make them more horrified of abortion.
  • Offer resources and support … Make them less terrified of an unplanned pregnancy.

People choose life when they are more horrified of abortion than they are terrified of unplanned pregnancy.  We have to do two things: (1) show people the truth and (2) offer them help.

Pro Life on Campus at the University of Alabama … Hope for the future

Alabama Crowd

GAP creates modulated conflict that draws a crowd and makes our story irresistable to the press.

Young people like the members of Bama Students for Life (BSFL) give us hope for the future.  We can’t let them down.

BSFL hosted us on the University of Alabama campus on April 6 for the Pro-Life Training Academy (GAP) and on April 10-11 for the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP).  Here is what BSFL members said about it.

David DeStefanis:

Just seeing those pictures is enough to get someone uncomfortable enough to actually examine the issue of abortion and re-examine their own stance on it.
GAP created more dialogue and discussion about abortion than anything I’ve ever seen.
To pro-life people who were against GAP coming here, I asked them if they could tell me a method or tactic that could make as big an impact as GAP did. And none of them could.

Ruth Bishop:

GAP revealed to students the ugly truth about abortion; a truth that must continue to be shared for the sake of preborn children and their mothers.

Levi Crawford:

I spoke with a Jewish friend of mine in class and asked him to come and see the GAP display. He wasn’t offended, he admitted [that the preborn] is a human life and that he would never be able to support unconditional abortion again.  He walked away with a changed heart, and I am forever grateful for GAP in bringing this change about.

Joanna Robinson:

GAP is crucial for any student group that wants to start a real conversation about abortion on their campus. You can talk about abortion all you want, but until people see what abortion is, it remains in their minds an abstract idea. GAP presents abortion in a very stark and real way that cannot be ignored.
I have been actively involved in my pro-life campus group for nearly three years, and I have never seen an event cause a discussion about abortion like GAP. I have seen first-hand the anger it caused, but I have also seen GAP working to change hearts and minds, not over weeks or months, but over the course of minutes and seconds. We need to make sure that no college student in America graduates without seeing GAP and becoming aware of the reality of abortion.

Claire Chretien:

We forced people to think about and talk about abortion.
We are able to articulate the pro-life position to thousands of people, create a conversation about abortion that lasted weeks after GAP, make important comparisons between the contemporary genocide of abortion and past genocides, recruit new members, and show people the truth about abortion — that it is a gruesome, violent procedure that kills an innocent human being.

Zack Wepfer (BSFL Past President):

I can honestly say that this last week [of GAP] has been the week I am most proud of in my entire collegiate career.  I am so proud to accomplish what we did.  I cannot think of a better way to end my collegiate career.

Help us achieve the vision set forth by Joanna Robinson, who said, “We need to make sure that no college student in America graduates without seeing GAP and becoming aware of the reality of abortion.”

To be a part of that lofty achievement, please click here to make your most generous investment in the lives of babies and moms.   Young people like Claire, Joanna, Ruth, and David give us hope for the future.  We can’t let them down.  Please support our work on campus right now!

Bama Students for Life

Bama Students for Life


BSFL Vice-President Claire Chretien speaks to the media. Young people like Claire give us hope for the future. We can’t let them down.

Freedom of Speech Obstructed at University at Buffalo … Almost

GAP sign reaches high above the crowd, defeating censorship attempts encouraged by the University of Buffalo

GAP sign reaches high above the crowd, defeating censorship attempts encouraged by the University of Buffalo.

Our GAP at the University at Buffalo (UB) brought out the pro-aborts in force.  UB student newspaper The Spectrum reported as many as 150 protesters on Day 2.  They chanted, screamed obscenities, tried to block our signs, … the whole 9.

The only thing they didn’t do was give a rational explanation as to why it is OK to kill some human beings and not OK to kill others.

They even brought out fabric barriers in in a failed attempt to block the signs.  The police refused to intervene, giving law-breakers tacit approval to prevent the UB Students for Life and CBR from exercising our First Amendment rights.

FAB wonders if the UB Administration would be similarly “tolerant” if conservative students interfered witih a leftist presentation on campus.  Naah … we didn’t think so.

Anyway, CBR defeated this attempt by putting up one sign on the second level, extending high above the blocking reach of the mob.  (Can’t wait to go back!)

The UB has a long history of obstructing pro-life speech.  When the UB Students for Life organized in 2010-2011, UB stalled their application for 9 months, until the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) forced UB to give the Students for Life the same access to UB spaces/facilities that all the left-wing students enjoy.  Story here: Recent Victory for Pro-Life Speech.  Later, UB students vandalized a Cemetery of the Innocents display, not once, but twice.  Stories here: Second Round of Discrimination and Vandalism at University of Buffalo Continues.

Stay tuned!  Much more to come!  To fight against censorship of pro-life students, please support our work here!

GAP display, Choice signs, and RCC truck makes abortion unavoidable at the U of Buffalo

CBR’s GAP display, “Choice” signs, and a truth truck makes abortion unavoidable at the U of Buffalo.

ACLU stands up for CBR

State employees in Juneau attempted to censor CBR Alaska’s display of aborted baby photos.  News coverage:

Video here:

Marriott Opryland CAP, Day 2: Cold

Pictures work magic on the hearts and minds of passing motorists and their passengers.

Pictures work magic on the hearts and minds of passing motorists and their passengers.

Another day of exposing abortion in Nashville.  We were set up at the Marriott Opryland Hotel & Convention Center for Day 2, where it much colder than yesterday due to a cold breeze coming down from Canada.  In fact, we heard reports that it was so cold down at the State Capitol, the politicians had their hands in their own pockets.

At this location, we had no opportunities to engage people verbally, but we knew the pictures were working their magic.  We could see them working in the expressions of passing motorists and their passengers.

In fact, Georgia Project Director Lincoln Brandenburg reminded us just how effective the pictures could be with his story of a recent encounter with a member of the Georgia Tech Students for Life.  This active pro-lifer from Connecticut became pro-life at the tender age of 12, when she saw one of our truth trucks in the run-up to the 2004 elections.  She recalled that her mother complained about the picture on the truck, but it caused the youngster to become a life-long (so far) pro-life activist.  The pictures do work.

CAP Nashville Day 1: Thumbs Up!

CAP signs on display at Marriott Opryland Hotel & Convention Center

CAP signs on display at Marriott Opryland Hotel & Convention Center.

The Corporate Accountability Project (CAP) at Marriott/Opryland was a huge success on Day 1.  Our team of volunteers displayed signs for about 6 hours, as scheduled, from about noon until dark.  They were very enthusiastic about the experience, and most promised to return again to help as the picketing continues over the next 4 days.

We reached thousands of people, especially those lined up at the traffic light, waiting to turn left into the Opryland complex.  Several people in the turn lane took pictures as they waited for the light to change.  Friday is a huge day, because so many people arrive for their weekend stays.  In this case, people were also arriving for the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Convention.

We got many thumbs-up from passersby, but only one or two “flying buzzards.”  (The difference between thumbs-up and the other finger is what we call the “digital divide.”)

Our presence was covered by WZTV-17, the local Fox affiliate.  Their concluding remark was the biggest laugh-line of the day (if you are into macabre humor); they identified Planned Parenthood as an agency that “provides services to expectant parents.”  Who writes this stuff?  (Oh, yeah, Planned Parenthood writes it.)

CAP signs on display at Marriott Opryland Hotel & Convention Center

CAP signs were visible to thousands of motorists entering and passing the Marriott Opryland Hotel & Convention Center.

“I’ve changed my mind” at the University of Central Florida


A member of The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform hands a student educational material in front of their graphic anti-abortion display by the UCF Reflecting Pond on Monday. (Photo/caption from Central Florida Future)

The CBR team just wrapped up two days at the U of Central Florida.  CBR Project Director Lincoln Brandenburg (Georgia) reported on a baby’s life saved:

Just had a student at UCF tell us in tears, “It’s so weird that you guys are here today. … I think I’m pregnant, and I was considering abortion because I don’t want kids, but after seeing these pictures I’ve changed my mind.”

We are thrilled when post-abortive women join us in this work.  Debbie Picarello of Knoxville is deeply involved in the work of Deeper Still, a ministry to women (and men) who have been wounded by abortion.  She also volunteers for GAP projects all over the US.  Debbie’s presence was noted in the article and she was also quoted:

Debbie Picarello, a volunteer from CBR and Deeper Still, a ministry that provides healing retreats for both men and women who have had abortions, has had one herself.

“After a child has been aborted there’s a mother and a father left behind,” Picarello said.

To see the entire story, link here.

Check back here for more on this an other stories from Florida GAP.