Posts Tagged ‘Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’
Pro-life strategy session in Washington, DC
I’m in Washington, DC today a meeting of pro-life leaders from across the USA. I’m here with CBR Executive Director Gregg Cunningham representing the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR).
First up was Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. She’s just as feisty in person as she is on TV!
Later this morning, Gregg and I will be talking about our latest initiative, the Corporate Accountability Project. More about that later!
Another baby saved by Truth Truck
We hear from lots of supporters (including my own mom) who tell us, “I love your work on campus, but I’m not so sure about your truck!”
Well, Mom, this baby’s for you!
CBR abortion images now US Government endorsed and approved
You may have heard about the new regulations on tobacco packaging that have been promulgated by the US Department of Health & Human Services. They are saying what we have said all along. Pictures work!
Here are some points and counterpoints. Please comment.
Frequency. 21% of Americans smoke.
- 43% of women have abortions.
Deaths. Smoking and other tobacco use is the “number one cause of preventable death” in America, claiming more than 440,000 lives a year, according to HHS Sec. Kathleen Sebelius.
- Actually, abortion is the number one cause of preventable death in America, claiming more than 1.2 million lives every year.
Verbal warnings not effective. HHS believes current verbal warning labels are not as effective as they need to be, because they are ignored.
- Debates and speeches will not end abortion, because they are ignored.
Knowledge. “With these warnings, every person who picks up a pack of cigarettes is going to know exactly what risk they’re taking.” (HHS Sec. Kathleen Sebelius)
- When people see abortion photos, they will know exactly what they are doing.
Gross factor. “They are [really gross]. We want kids to understand smoking is gross, not cool.” (HHS Sec. Kathleen Sebelius)
- We want kids to understand killing preborn children is gross, not cool.
Immunity. People have become immune to the old labels and really didn’t see them anymore. (Thomas Glynn, American Cancer Soc.)
- People don’t think about abortion in any kind of analytical way. Even “pro-life” Christians have become complacent about abortion and really don’t pay any attention to it.
Reminder that smoking kills. “For smokers, it’s a new and very visible reminder that smoking can harm them, harm people around them, including children.” (Thomas Glynn, American Cancer Soc.)
- For abortion-vulnerable parents, abortion images are a very visible reminder that abortion kills their children.
Images are for everyone. “For nonsmokers, it’s a reminder that smokers need their help and concern as far as quitting. The labels are not just for smokers, the labels are for anyone interested in public health.” (Thomas Glynn, American Cancer Soc.)
- For people not personally at risk of abortion, graphic images are a reminder that women and families need their help in choosing life. The images aren’t just for mothers, the images are for everyone interested in any mother’s wellbeing and that of her children.
People responding. The American Lung Association says that calls to their stop-smoking hotline have spiked since the publicity over the new images.
- The first time abortion images appeared at the University of Tennessee, 9 women chose life (that we know about).
Staring them in the face. “For decades, Big Tobacco got away with slick marketing campaigns that fooled the public into thinking smoking was glamorous – and now we’re turning the tables on them. Each time a smoker reaches for a pack of cigarettes, the deadly truth will be staring them in the face.” (US Sen. Frank Lautenberg)
- For decades, Big Abortion got away with slick marketing campaigns that fooled the public into thinking that abortion was not a horrific act of violence, and now we’re turning the tables on them. Each time an abortion-vulnerable person sees one of our signs, the deadly truth will be staring them in the face.
CBR Appoints Nicole Cooley as Project Director for Virginia
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR), Southeast Region Operations, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nicole Cooley as our newest Project Director, responsible primarily for Virginia projects.
Nicole has been active in pro-life ministry for more than 10 years. In fact, we first met Nicole when doing our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at the University of Louisville in April 2002. She has publicly shared her story of rape and abortion in both Christian and secular venues, including in the video Choice of a Lifetime, produced by Focus on the Family. Most recently, her story was featured on the 700 Club, which you can see here.
In her new role, Lord willing, Nicole will be (1) arranging GAPs at the major universities in Virginia, (2) organizing and assisting pro-life campus groups, and (3) working cooperatively with student groups and other pro-lifers in Virginia.
The mother of three boys and one girl on this side of eternity, plus another three in Heaven, Nicole is also a home educator and avid Longaberger Basket collector. She currently lives with her husband Patrick and family in Churchville, Virginia. Learn more about her book Into the Light: Rape, Abortion and the Truth that Set Me Free at
A US Army veteran with 9 years combined active and reserve forces service, Nicole resigned at the rank of Captain to devote herself to her family. Her husband Patrick is a recently retired Lieutenant Colonel. His twenty-years of service included two tours in Iraq. Nicole is very proud of his service and is most grateful to have him home with the family full-time … a most wonderful blessing to all of them!
Welcome aboard, Nicole and all the Cooley’s!
CBR Director arrested for protecting Planned Parenthood abortion clinic
Believe it or not, CBR Maryland Director Kurt Linnemann was arrested on June 10 because he reported a suspicious-looking cardboard box placed near the entrance of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. This is why you should always videotape your pro-life activites.
In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, how many times were we told that we should report anything suspicious? In this case, Kurt saw such a package outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Wilmington, Delaware. So he reported it. When the package turned out to be an empty box, one of the investigating officers arrested Kurt for reporting the package. How stupid can you get? Here’s the story.
Having the opportunity to observe law enforcement personnel over the years, I’ve observed that most of them are faithful public servants who deserve our every respect. But about 10% of them really do love to throw their weight around. They love that power and they want you to know they have it. When you encourter such idiots, it is always best to obey their every command … then come back later and sue them.
You absolutely need to tape your pro-life activities. You can expect this officer to lie under oath to cover up his stupidity. Video recordings will go a long way to prevent him from getting away with it.
On Friday, June 17, CBR Maryland hosted a news conference. Video here:
Media coverage at Johns Hopkins and the University of Delaware
Here is the media coverage from our recent GAP excursion to Maryland and Delaware.
GAP at Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins News-Letter
- Pro-life activists stage protest (4-page item)
- Freedom of speech and expression (2-page item)
True Blue Conservative
GAP at the University of Delaware
Media coverage for Kentucky GAP
Check out the media coverage at Eastern Kentukcy and the Univesity of Kentucky. You think they knew we were there?
The Eastern Progress at Eastern Kentucky University:
- Abortion murals met with mixed reactions
- Debate looks into legality of abortion
- Abortion debate is a stalemate
The Kentucky Kernel at the University of Kentucky:
- Abortion display fuels debate
- Letter: Signs present inaccurate information
- Abortion signs depict genocide, breast cancer in false light
- Letter: In response to ..
- Offending social justice with social justice
- GAP uses shock tactics to effectively achieve goal
- Letter from Daniel Sparks
Blue Coast Live:
CBR Appoints Darius Hardwick as New Midwest Director
CBR is pleased to announce the appointment of Darius Hardwick as the Regional Director for its Midwest Operations, based in Columbus, Ohio. Darius has been on the CBR staff for more than 6 years, having previously served as the Director of CBR’s Northwest Operations.
Darius and his wife Janet were first exposed to CBR’s abortion imagery 7 years ago. They were both nominally pro-life but not actively participating in the struggle for life.
Then they saw the pictures.
They could not sleep. Abortion pictures were all they thought of for weeks. They became monthly financial supporters and began to volunteer at GAPs.
The more he volunteered, the more he knew that he must make saving babies his full-time profession. The other side has made killing babies a full-time profession, but we have made saving them a part-time hobby. This is a huge problem, and Darius knew he had to be part of the solution.
Darius had owned his own construction business in Oregon for 10 years. He had a substantial client base and was always busy, regardless of economic conditions. But he was not at peace laying beautiful wood flooring, while babies were being killed every day. After serving in the Northwest for a time, he moved his family of to Columbus, Ohio, to serve as a Project Director in CBR’s Midwest Operations.
Having previously served as the Northwest Operations Director, Darius brings outstanding leadership skills to his new role in CBR. He has directed CBR’s Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at some of America’s largest and most influential universities.
Darius and his family are dedicated to showing people the truth of abortion and are excited for the future and all that God has for them. We are excited that Darius and his family are on our team.
Pro Life on Campus at the University of Delaware
Last week, we had an awesome two days on campus at the University of Delaware (UDel). We were hosted by the Pro-Life Vanguard, the student pro-life group at UDel.
This was our third trip to UDel. We first went there in September 2003, and returned a year ago. The students want us to return every year from now on. Please comment: Should we return every year or every semester?
We were pleased to be working with Kurt and Samantha Linnemann of our new CBR Maryland outpost. One of the most important aspects of our work is to help others do effective pro-life projects all over the country, and the Mid-Atlantic region is a critical one. We look forward to a long and productive partnership. Maybe not so long; we will work to make the killing stop sooner rather than later.
Pro Life Training Academy at University of Delaware
The Pro Life Training Academy (PLTA) has inspired and equipped yet another group of pro-life students and activists, this time at the University of Delaware. PLTA students of all ages learned how to articulate and respectfully defend the pro-life position.
To bring the PLTA to your city, click here and let us know!
Summer Interships avialable, but time is short.
Last chance for Summer Internships. Click here and call Fletcher at 865-776-1312.
Want to win hearts, change minds, and save lives? Of course you do! That’s why you are doing pro-life work in the first place! So please call now!
Abortion and fairness to the father
I was on George Korda’s State Your Case radio show earlier today. During a break, Mr. Korda forced himself to watch the video at the CBR website. In the hour we had, we hit many of the standard questions.
One issue that Mr. Korda brought up was the “unfairness” to the father of the child. If the mother decides to abort the child, the father has no say. If the mother decides to keep the child, the father is legally required to provide financial support. In the fog of give-and-take that is live radio, I didn’t get to respond to that comment. I had fielded a similar question in my debate at Eastern Kentucky University—more on that later—a couple of weeks ago.
Fairness to the father is not the issue. If the preborn child is less than human, then the father has no rights to the “blob of tissue” that the mother carries within her own body. Since she is the one carrying the “blob,” it would be her right to decide whether to keep it or not. She has more skin in the game, if I can say it that way. But if she decides to carry, then the father is absolutely liable to support the child financially, not because of her decision to carry, but because of his decision to have sex in the first place.
But if the preborn child is a human being—science tells us he/she is a living human being from the moment of fertilization—then it is the baby’s rights which are at stake, not the father’s. If we treat every human being with equal value and dignity, fairness demands that the baby’s life be protected, regardless of whether or not the child is wanted by the father. If both father and mother freely chose to engage in the reproductive act, then they both share the responsibility to support the child.
Either way, fairness to the father is not an issue. Fairness to the unborn child (and her mother) are of paramount concern. Having your life stolen from you because you are “unwanted” is the ultimate unfairness.
Pro Life on Campus at the University of Kentucky
We always love our time at the University of Kentucky. It is a very diverse student body, with many students representing every position on abortion. Students are generally respectful and willing to listen.
Our free speech board was a huge draw, as was our poll table. I don’t have exact numbers, but the list of students who identified themselves as pro-life was several pages long.
Media coverage already!
Pro Life on Campus at Eastern Kentucky, Day 2
GAP was a huge success on Day 2 at Eastern Kentucky University (EKU). The weather was great, although cold, and we had a steady stream of visitors. I think twenty or so people signed up for the student pro-life group.
Media Coverage:
- Story in The Eastern Progress. Check out the photos!
Pro Life on Campus at Eastern Kentucky University
We put up our Genocide Awareness Project at Eastern Kentucky University today. With rain and 30-mph winds in the forecast, we constructed the display in a perfect location, sheltered from the rain and the worst of the wind. We managed to get the display taken down and loaded up on the truck before the heavy rains came.
The pro-aborts had promised to demonstrate, but only one showed up. Bummer.
Supervolunteers Gary Johnson and Larry Goad drove the RCC truck around campus.