Posts Tagged ‘CPC’
I don’t know nothin’ ‘bout PRCs!

Now that he knows, he can make sure that his people do not perish for lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6)
by Jacqueline Hawkins
Church-going, pro-life folks like us know the lingo. We have counseled abortion-minded women in front of the local abortion clinic. We have helped with baby bottle drives. We have helped with diaper drives.
So we often forget that people in the mainstream have no clue that pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) exist. Planned Parenthood have huge budgets for marketing death, some of it paid for by our taxes. PRC budgets are much more modest.
At UNC Charlotte, a young man had been looking at the picture thoughtfully. He said, “I understand what you guys are saying, but if me and my girlfriend (sic) get pregnant, what are we supposed to do?”
Let’s set aside the fact that this young man and his girlfriend should be waiting for marriage. Let’s also set aside the implied claim of entitlement to sex without responsibility.
I asked him if he had ever heard of a pregnancy resource center, as I pointed to the PRC hotline number on one of our signs. He had never heard of such a thing. A little surprised by this, I explained to him about all the services PRCs offer. He was truly thankful to hear about this option for him, his girlfriend, and his future children, should the need arise.
I told him that now that he is aware of it, he has new responsibilities. Having seen abortion photos, he knows what abortion does to pre-born children. He knows about life-affirming alternatives. He knows abortion is not good enough for those he cares about.
Armed with facts, he can direct his family and friends to life-affirming options. He can make sure that his people do not perish for lack of knowledge.
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.