Posts Tagged ‘EKU’
Pro Life on Campus at Eastern Kentucky University 2013

Above: Mark Wolf (Ohio) speaks to one student as CBR volunteer Julie Thomas (Georgia) looks on. Julie is wearing a t-shirt that says “I regret my abortion. Ask me about it.”
Below: Mark speaks with Alex Godbey, the president of Students for Life at EKU. Alex is already a great leader for the pro-life movement.
“Do you believe in welfare for women who become pregnant?”
Olivia, a student at Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) asked this question of CBR volunteer Mark Wolf. Usually, questions like this are simply attempts to change the subject. They don’t want to talk about the decapitation and dismemberment of little human beings, so they bring up every conceivable societal problem known to man. If pro-lifers can’t solve all of them, then abortion must be retained as the solution of final resort (the final solution?). And not just for mothers who face difficult circumstances, but for all mothers.
EKU was our third stop on a 2-week GAP trip through Kentucky. It was our third visit to that campus, the latest being in April 2011. It was cold, but we didn’t let that deter us from winning hearts, changing minds, and saving lives at EKU. Media coverage:
Olivia pressed her point, “Do you support free access to contraception?”
Mark pointed to one of the 10-week abortion photos (a picture of a hand and an arm on a dime) and asked, “Is it ever morally justifiable to do this to another human being?” Her eyes moved to the picture and focused on the remains of the child, and she struggled with the reality of abortion as if she saw it for the very first time.
Mark gave her time to process the image. When she again tried to change the subject, Mark described what happened in a D&E abortion, and asked her if it is ever morally acceptable to do that to another human being. She again stared at the image and struggled with what she saw. Finally she said that she would have to “get [her] sources” and then she walked away.
Of course some people change their minds right there on the spot. But many, like Olivia, need time to consider the facts and weigh the arguments. Let us pray for Olivia and many more like her who are struggling with the truth they saw on campus last week.
Maybe Olivia will become the next Julie: