
Posts Tagged ‘flash mob’

Does pro-life flash mob in Chicago trivialize a life and death struggle?

You may have seen this story at LifeNews.com about a pro-life flash mob that showed up at a pro-abort march in Chicago.  Check out the video below.

What do you think about this?  Personally, I’m not one for this kind of thing.  When I played football, I never liked pep rallies.  But what did I know; I was just a dumb lineman.

I wonder if pro-life pep rallies and other similar activities just trivialize the struggle between life and death.  But maybe you see something I don’t.  What do you think?

When I consider whether or not to organize or participate in any pro-life activity, I ask myself three questions:

  1. What would Jesus do?
  2. What would Martin Luther King do?
  3. What would Patton do?

What do you think?  Please leave  your comment!
