Posts Tagged ‘Genocide Awarness Project’
Pro Life on Campus at U of Wisconsin: GAP meets presidential politics

Big crowd leaves Obama campaign rally, passing by the GAP display on one side and a gauntlet of Choice signs on the other. (See white backs of hand-held signs to left of sidewalk.)
At the U of Wisconsin, one of the campus papers gave us the most stunning endorsement of GAP I have ever read. There were three articles written about GAP:
- Badger Herald: Pro-life protests fill Library Mall
- Wisconsin Reporter: Candidates avoiding ‘A’ word in presidential campaign
- Daily Cardinal: Abortion protests gut check passers-by with abrasive displays
Excerpts from the Daily Cardinal op-ed, written by Noah Phillips:
My reaction—and many of my friends’ reactions—was very visceral and very rudely rooted in the body. There were tears and vomit. I myself shook, grimaced and avoided Library Mall almost subconsciously for days. …
[Comparing CBR to environmental activists:] The critical difference is that the GAP will not tolerate our apathy. … If you cried or vomited, their tactic worked because they reached you. They didn’t persuade you, they didn’t please you, but they reached you. They think that abortion is revolting, vile and obscene, and for a minute they made your stomach curl too.
It’s a dangerous tactic because of its efficacy. …
[If you are an activist concerned about injustice:] No doubt you know what it is to be made aware of something, something you find horrifying and egregious. Something to which people walking down the street are oblivious. You want them all to know what you know. You resent that they don’t feel the way you feel. You want them to feel it in their guts, to strike them dumb, to shake their souls. In short, you cannot convey the enormity of your awareness. And so, whatever your perspective on the Genocide Awareness Project, the Center for Bioethical Reform or abortion, I want you to appreciate what it takes to reach someone so viscerally.
Wow. This guy obviously has a functioning conscience, so we have hope for him!
Yes, we want to make injustice impossible to ignore. We show pictures of abortion because abortion is everything Mr. Phillips claims: disgusting, shocking, and grisly, Pictures of abortion are shocking because abortion is an act of violence that kills a baby. The abortion industry, aided by much of the culture, is trying to cover up that fact, just as other purveyors of injustice have tried to cover up their evil deeds. We are committed to exposing injustice, so that people can see it for themselves.
Mr. Phillips says that we are dangerous, becasue we are effective! We absolutely reject violence, of course, but I suppose we are a threat to business as usual. Perhaps we are a threat in the same way that abolitionists were a threat to the slave trade, Lewis Hine was a threat to abusive child labor, and Martin Luther King, Jr. was a threat to segregation.
As it turns out, President Obama decided to hold a campaign event near the GAP display. We reached thousands of political activists on their way to and from the campaign assembly!
On the road again! I-95 GAP continues!
On the road again! We’ve been in Virginia the past week, meeting with University officials and activists alike, gearing up for the continuation of our huge I-95 Spring GAP Tour!
Earlier, we took GAP to 4 schools in Florida. Next week, we’ll be at George Mason University and Virginia Commonwealth University in Virginia. After that, we’ll be in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Maine. As interstate highways go, there is none more influential than I-95; it connects Washgington, DC with some of the most important swing states, including Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maine!