Posts Tagged ‘Holocaust Remembrance Day’
Holocaust Remembrance Day at Auburn University
Day 1 of our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at Auburn was Holocaust Remembrance Day. People always complain that we schedule GAP on that day, because they are “offended” that we would compare killing millions of preborn children with killling millions of Jews and eastern Europeans. We don’t target any particular day; we just look for good weather days when the students are on campus. However, we believe it is just as appropriate to show the truth about abortion on that day as much as any other day, perhaps more so.
Nazis called their victims useless eaters and non-human (rats, pigs, vermin, “untermensch,” etc.). So the government took away their rights, experimented on them, and killed them. Surely we could never let that happen again.
Today, abortion promoters call their victims non-human (products of conception, blob of tissue, parasite, potential life, etc.) and a burden. The Supreme Court took away their rights. Medical practitioners experiment on them and kill them.
Many of the same people who say “never again” will turn around and destroy their own children, for very similar reasons. They are “offended” when we point this out.
It is easy to oppose an injustice committed by somebody else, a long time ago, an ocean away. It is much more difficult to oppose an injustice that we ourselves are guilty of, right here and right now.
But if people still complain, we make them this offer: If the abortion clinics will shut down their deadly clinics on Holocaust Remembrance Day (or any other day), we will suspend our presentations until the clinics open back up.