Posts Tagged ‘Kendra Wright’
“A clump of cells?!”

With our prenatal development GAP sign, we show how a “clump of cells” is endowed with arms and legs and fingers and toes. Some “clump of cells.”
by Kendra Wright
At Tennessee Tech, a Middle Eastern student told me that he is Muslim and in his country, killing the unborn is just like killing a born person. But he knew very little about abortion.
He was very shocked to hear that 1.2 million die every year in this country from abortion.
He asked why people get abortions and if “not wanting” the child is a frequent justification. I confirmed that this is often the case.
I started explaining the difference between a wanted child and an unwanted child. If a child is wanted, we call it a baby. If it is unwanted, we call it a clump of cells.
He was shocked. “A clump of cells?!”
He could see right away that a baby is not just a clump of cells and calling it such is ridiculous.
Kendra Wright is a CBR project director and a regular FAB contributor.
From pro-choice to “not so sure”
by Kendra Wright
At UNC Wilmington, I asked a young man what he thought. He immediately said he was pro-choice, that people have good reasons for having abortions.
I pointed out that even if I had good reasons for killing him, that wouldn’t make it right or acceptable. He agreed.
We spoke a while. After a lull in the conversation I asked him if he was still pro-choice. He said yes and reverted to “people have good reasons” to abort.
I said, “Wait a minute, we already talked about this. Good reasons do not justify killing human beings.” Again, he agreed. Then he fell silent.
I asked again if he was still pro-choice, but this time, his mind was changing. “Hmm, I don’t know,” he said.
He went on to say that people are ignorant about the science of human development and that he appreciated our use of graphic images.
Once he understood the implications of his pro-choice view he realized he couldn’t firmly hold it. That is what pictures do: they neutralize the opposition, convert the neutral, activate the converted, and energize the active.
Kendra Wright is a CBR project director and a regular FAB contributor.
“Are they doing anything about it?”
by Kendra Wright
Who needs to see abortion photos? Everyone? Even those that are already pro-life?
This point can seem confusing. If you already believe something, you don’t need to be convinced of it. Right?
Yet, it is clear that Christians are doing almost nothing to stop the killing in the culture. They are even killing their own children at staggering rates. One in five women who abort identifies herself as a born-again or evangelical Christian.
Secular universities devote massive resources to training advocates for the abortion industry, but Christian universities like Liberty University have zero training programs to prepare Christians students for the pro-life mission field. Zip, zero, nada.
In fact, Liberty has even forbidden pro-life students from displaying abortion victim photos on campus.
It is a tragedy every time a savable baby at Liberty is killed by abortion. But CBR is working to change all that.
Beth Fox is one Liberty student who is willing to stand up and be counted. On several occasions, Beth, (CBR Project Director) Maggie Egger, and I have stood in front of the Liberty library with a sign showing an abortion victim photo. The sign first asks if Jesus would use a bloody picture, then answers that question with a picture of the Crucifixion.
Many student studied this sign and discussed it with their friends as they walked by. Two students that gave us a thumbs up.
As we were packing up to leave, a professor came up and asked why we were there. He wasn’t against the use of the pictures, but he was confused about their use at Liberty. He asked, “But why are you here on a Christian campus? Isn’t everybody here already pro-life?”
Maggie stopped him with her reply, “Are they doing anything about it?”
Good question. The pictures challenge Christian complacency.
Kendra Wright is a CBR project director and a regular FAB contributor.
CBR Appoints Kendra Wright as Project Director for Virginia
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR), Southeast Region Operations, is pleased to announce the appointment of Kendra Wright as our newest (and youngest) Project Director in Virginia.
Kendra resides in Staunton, Virginia. (That’s pronounced STAN-ton, not STAWN-ton, for all you people in Rio Linda.)
Kendra’s family moved from Denver, Colorado to Staunton when she was 4. She told FAB,
Four-year old Kendra was a strong-willed rebel and continued to live in her stubborn ways until God grabbed her heart 9 years later. The Lord is now using my strong will for His glory.
[Side note: Some might say that, in fact, God grabbed her heart before the foundation of the world was laid. You see, although some of us at FAB were predestined to be Arminian, others chose to be Calvinist of their own free will. But, I digress. Anyway, …]
Kendra finished high school a year early and then graduated from Thomas Edison State College in New Jersey in less than two years … at only nineteen years old! She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications.
In her spare time, Kendra enjoys strumming her guitar, singing, and spending time with friends and her five siblings. Active in her church, she leads worship and leads children to the Lord as well.
Kendra’s passion for pro-life activism stems from her own personal testimony of narrowly escaping abortion at five weeks gestation. Her mother was a rare case of a woman walking out of her abortion appointment. God spared Kendra’s life so she could rescue others!
Kendra is a big-picture person who appreciates CBR’s vision of ending abortion altogether by exposing the truth of it. She is excited to win hearts, change minds, and save lives, by God’s grace and with your help.
Welcome aboard, Kendra! We’re expecting great things from you and and the rest of the Virginia staff!
If you’d like to support Kendra (or any of our staff members), it’s quick, easy, and secure to support CBR online. Whatever you can do will make a huge difference. To support Kendra’s work in Virginia, designate your gift for “Virginia Projects (SE-KPW).”