Posts Tagged ‘Pro-Life in Knoxville’
CBR brings controversial abortion pictures to Knoxville

Philip Hamilton speaking to a pro-choice supporter at the GAP on Market Square in Knoxville, Tennessee.
by Philip Hamilton
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) recently displayed photos of aborted fetuses in downtown Knoxville, reminding passersby on Market Square that abortion decapitates and dismembers little human beings. CBR’s display, known as the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP), exposes the devastating effects of a “woman’s right to choose” by focusing attention on what is actually being chosen.
The Market Square GAP was my first one as a new staffer for the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. During the course of the day, I encountered many people on both sides of the debate.
I spoke with a homeless couple who had lost custody of their children due to drug issues; they were staunchly pro-life. They said that while their children did not have an ideal childhood, there is always the option of adoption.
Later, I got a pro-choice progressive to admit that late term abortions were morally wrong. I told her about Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal organs. We discussed Virginia’s ultrasound law, which she supported because a woman should at least be able to see an ultrasound of the child before being able to kill him. I told her that there should be at least a 24-hour waiting period after the ultrasound is done, so that women can have more time to make and informed choices between life or death for their children. [The more time women have to think about their decision, the more likely they are to choose life.] She supported a waiting period after I discussed the reasons why the a waiting period is actually “pro-woman.” After seeing GAP, this progressive woman rejected some of the most extreme pro-abortion positions. Not a complete conversion, but it’s a start, and not a bad one in only 15 minutes.
At the end of the day, I spoke with a woman with two young women in tow. She supported our message, but ordered her children to look away from the pictures as we talked. In spite of her belief that children should not look at aborted fetuses in a public square, she believed that teenagers and adults must see them before they can make an informed decision on the effects of “choice.”
We have a choice, too. We have a choice whether to spend our time and treasure on winning hearts, changing minds, and saving lives. Will you devote your time and treasure to stand for the right to life?
Nobody is pro-abortion? Really?
In the comments appended to the WBIR story on our Urban GAP at Market Square, Canna asserted that nobody thinks abortion is a great thing:
OMG- NO ONE thinks abortion is a great thing- what an IDIOTIC thing to say. No one I know, including myself, is pro-abortion. However, I AM pro-choice. … The points that others are making here are:
1. that no one (few) are pro-abortion, they are PRO-CHOICE and believe the right to bear an embryo to full term is the choice and a matter of the family alone. not your matter.
2. that nearly everyone is a proponent of life and prosperity, but since we haven’t gotten it right yet, why don’t we help those in need of food and health before we force others to bear life. Rights to the unborn are valid but DO NOT PRE-EMPT the rights of the born.
3. regardless of ANYONE’S stance on abortion, your photos are unnecessarily graphic and DO NOT belong on public dislplay, especially in the presence of children. Not only is this rude, it is not an effective tool. ALSO- MOST abortions occur early trimester, when the fetus looks like a tiny lump of cells- not like in your graphics. Would you display graphic images of dead people in front of a DUI offender’s home for all-including children- to see? Of course NOT! Besides, where is the dignity of the deceased you post so proudly on public display??
I responded:
Every time we visit a college campus, a steady stream of students and professors are eager to declare the wonderful benefits of legalized abortion for society. They are most definitely “pro-abortion.” They tell us that abortion helps create a society in which all children are “wanted.” Planned Parenthoods own motto is “Every child a wanted child.” They tell us that abortion helps eliminate child abuse. Who could be against that? They tell us that abortion helps alleviate overpopulation and poverty. Abortion even reduces crime, they say. They tell us that abortion helps create a more equitable society (as if women were somehow inferior to men and thus needed invasive medical procedures in order to be equal). I’m surprised you have never heard these arguments. Here an essay I found online just now: Why Abortion Improves Society.
You said, “Rights to the unborn are valid but DO NOT PRE-EMPT the rights of the born.” I believe the correct term for this logical fallacy is the “straw-man.” You have misrepresented the pro-life position when you suggest we believe that the rights of the pre-born preempt the rights of the born. The fact is that we believe the rights of the pre-born child should be equal to the born child. Not preeminent, but equal.
You said that most abortions occur “early trimester.” Not sure what you mean by that term. If you mean that most abortions occur in the first trimester, then you are correct. It’s about 90% of the total. And most of the abortion photos in our display are, in fact, first-trimester abortions. Only two of the abortion photos were not first-trimester abortions. For more on the developmental stages in the first trimester, visit
When I was in high school, we were shown a graphic video of people who had been injured or killed in car accidents. The purpose was to show us the result of careless or impaired driving, and thereby motivate us to drive soberly and carefully. If showing such a photo in public could save just one teenager from being killed by a drunk driver, I would show it in a heartbeat. Of course, we don’t need to do that because our society does not cover up the results of drunk driving. But because all of society’s institutions cover up the results of abortion, you can count on us to expose that truth every chance we get.
I could also have pointed out that when Stephen Douglas debated Abraham Lincoln over slavery, he didn’t say he was pro-slavery. He merely argued that the Southern states should have the right to choose whether to be a slave state or a free state. In private, he stated that he opposed slavery. Would Canna say that Mr. Douglas was pro-slavery or just pro-choice?
Abortion pictures and children on Market Square
The WBIR story on our Urban GAP at Market Square created a flurry of online comments. A common theme was the fear that small children would see the abortion photos. In fact, many did. We saw a few parents who prevented their children from seeing the photos, but most took it all in stride. One commenter on the WBIR story wrote:
I would never subject a young child to the images of abortion no matter what. Yes, the images are reprehensible and beyond belief, but to show a child these images borders on being reprehensible as a parent and as a human being it would be deplorable. This is not the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s where abortion was considered against the law. Today, it is a woman’s choice. There are medical reasons that abortion is needed. Also, its one thing to protest but Dr. Armstrong and the rest need to keep it decent and clean when in a public place with children around. If you choose to show these images to your children then go ahead but give the parents of other children the right to do the same and show those images to their children if they so choose. You took away the parents right to decide if they wanted to show their children or not.
He actually confirmed, again, whey we show the pictures when he wrote that they were “reprehensible and beyond belief.” People don’t believe how bad abortion really is until we show them.
I responded:
On February 23, 1997, Schindler’s List was broadcast by NBC during the family viewing hour. A mini-controversy arose when Congressman Tom Coburn complained that large numbers of unsupervised children would undoubtedly see the very violent video sequences contained in that movie, including the violence of multiple gunshot head wounds.
NBC West Coast President Don Olhmeyer defended their decision, “I just wonder if Congressman Coburn is aware that there was a Holocaust, that millions of people died and it’s not something anybody should ever forget. . . . NBC is extremely proud of its presentation of this unique award-winning film. We think that Congressman Coburn’s statement should send a chill through every intelligent and fair-minded person in America.”
The overwhelming consensus was that NBC was right to show the movie, including all the scenes of violence, so that people could know the truth about what happened in the death camps, and so that people would commit to preventing such a human catastrophe from ever happening again.
We agree. That is why we show pictures of abortion.
We will not submit to a double standard that says (1) it is OK to show violent images that expose an injustice that happened in another place, at another time, perpetrated by other people, even though children might see those images, but (2) it is not OK to show violent images that expose injustice happening here, and now, and perpetrated by our own people, because children might see them.
We attended a Planned Parenthood fundraiser!

Framing Choice. As Planned Parenthood presents what choice means to born people, we display what choice means to the victim. Other signs are visible to the Market Square crowd in the background.
What a difference a year makes. In February 2011, Alaynna McCormick was at the center of controversy in Knoxville. She and her mother blew the whistle on Knox County Schools for allowing Planned Parenthood (PP) to market sex at Hardin Valley High School. Story here, here, here, here, and here.
Note: if you think the claim that “PP markets sex” is an unfair statement of what they do, consider the fact that students were invited to visit websites that would then encourage teenagers to have sex if, among other things, they “trust each other,” “care about each other,” and “have fun together.” Link here. Follow the money here.
On Friday evening, PP held their annual “Framing Choice” photo exhibit at Market Square in Knoxville. This year’s theme was “What Choice Means to Me.” So Alaynna and a few of her family and friends brought their own photographs … a set of CBR “Choice” signs.
We put 8 such signs on display in between the stage, where the PP event was taking place, and the rest of Market Square, where the usual Friday night crowd was having dinner and milling around the Square. In keeping with the theme of the event, we added titles like, “What did choice mean to this child?” and “Did this child have a choice?”
We got a lot of good interaction with passersby. We saw several parents use the signs as a teaching moment, to explain abortion to their young children. We’ve never seen a young child who is pro-abortion. None of these children were tramatized by the pictures.
We were approached by some who objected to our presence, giving the teenagers opportunities to practice the apologetics we taught them the night before. We gave them an abbreviated version of our Pro Life Training Academy (PLTA). All of the teenagers who attended the PLTA have asked to help with future GAPs.
Planning elements of a successful event at Market Square:
- Use graphic images to give meaning to the word abortion.
- Give prior notification of our plans to the Police Department.
- Occupy public spaces only; do not trespass on PP’s reservation.
- Set up security camcorder; assign security captain.
Abortion pictures lead to post-abortion healing
We are thrilled at the work of Deeper Still, a post-abortion healing ministry based here in Knoxville that reaches out to hurting women, not only in Knoxville and East Tennessee, but anywhere in the world. Post-abortive women from Deeper Still are frequent volunteers at our GAP displays.
I attended Deeper Still’s fundraising dinner last Tuesday night, and one of the speakers was Judy Townsend. I have known Judy and her husband Jeff for a couple of years. In fact, Jeff’s company organized our hugely successful event last year that featured Gov. Mike Huckabee as the keynote speaker.
It was our GAP event on Market Square in Downtown Knoxville that captured Jeff’s attention and led him to offer his help in organizing the dinner for us. Deeper Still had joined us at this GAP event to let hurting women know that healing from abortion is available.
What I didn’t know (until just last Tuesday night) is that this same GAP event captured Judy’s attention and led her to seek healing for her past abortion. She found this healing through the work of Deeper Still.
Here are her remarks:
I had my abortion in 1985 when I was 19 years old. I had joined the USAF, and I was just beginning my own independent life. I had gone back home after my basic training and had become pregnant by the guy I had been seeing just before I entered the air force. I was completely shocked and scared and couldn’t believe this was actually happening to me.
I didn’t tell anyone except my mother, and she said to me “just have an abortion and it will all be over soon.” But it would be anything but “over soon.” I had the abortion in a clinic after one of my shifts. I remember being so afraid and sick to my stomach. The details of what happened that day are blurry because I have buried them so deep for over 26 years.
It wasn’t until I attend the Deeper Still retreat that I came to understand why I was so bound by shame, guilt, and self-hatred. I asked myself, “How could abortion cause so much pain when society tells me that it’s my choice and it’s all ok?” Yet, in my heart I knew the truth was that my actions were murderous.
I lived my entire adult life in a shroud of secrecy and shame concerning my abortion. I denied myself relationship with children, including my own daughter who was born a year later. I held her at a distance because I didn’t believe I deserved to be her mother. This caused a great deal of strain in our relationship. All the while, I kept my secret. In fact, I buried it so deep, that I was denying to myself that the event even happened. That’s how strong and deceiving denial can be! But I trudged on through life and never told anyone.
I accepted the Lord as my Savior on May 31, 2000 and, for the first time in my life, I felt so much joy and comfort. But still, I could not believe that I was worthy of His love and blessing. I believed that He forgave me for my abortion, but that He was still very disappointed in me. I even thought that when I would see Jesus face to face, He would tell me that there was a certain place in heaven reserved for people like me that had had abortions. I would not allow myself to fully embrace His grace and forgiveness.
I could never bring myself to tell my husband Jeff about my abortion. Even though he was the one person in my life with whom I was the most intimate, I still felt I could not cross that barrier of shame in order to bring him into my “secret sin.”
In 2008, Jeff began to work for a ministry that helped women facing crisis pregnancies. I would cringe inside and shake every time I was in earshot of any of the conversations about abortion. I would say things like, “I feel so sorry for these poor girls. If only they knew how important life is.” But then I would feel like a hypocrite for even saying that.
Our move to Knoxville seemed to coincide with the Lord’s timing for me to finally deal with my abortion. One day, while we were walking around Market Square, we came upon a display that showed images of aborted babies along with images of other forms of holocaust.
I was confronted with these awful images starring me in the face. I was mad, angry and disgusted. I couldn’t even let myself look at them. On the other hand, my husband wanted to take a closer look and talk to the people displaying them. We obviously were looking at them from very different vantage points.
The Lord used that experience to surface the things that I would never have allowed myself to face on my own. But He also didn’t just leave me there in my silent torment.
It was shortly after that when Jeff and I met Karen Ellison and some of the Deeper Still ladies. As they shared with us about Deeper Still, I remember instantly feeling like I would love this ministry. I already loved these ladies.
In the weeks that followed, some other painful things surfaced that rattled my cage enough to make me finally e-mail Karen, tell her my story, and ask her if I could come to one of the Deeper Still retreats. She of course said, “Yes, you must come!”
I had 7 more months before the retreat would be here and the Lord used that time to prepare my heart in so many ways. But the enemy also worked overtime during those months to try to discourage me and talk me out of it.
I also knew that it was time to tell my husband my story, and when I did, he was so full of grace and compassion for me and he wholeheartedly blessed me to go on this retreat.
The week before the retreat, I asked Karen if I could possibly just attend one day of the retreat and leave early on Sunday morning. But she encouraged me to attend the entire retreat. I thought to myself, “Uh, oh. This isn’t going to be a superficial meeting with ‘church women’.” I knew deep inside that this was going to be important and I was scared to death.
Somehow the Lord guided me there. I remember telling myself, “I’ll just drive into the parking lot and check things out; if it looks scary then I can just leave.” I parked the car and the next thing I knew, this beautiful, blonde, bubbly, smiling woman came toward me. I thought “Oh, no! Here she comes! I can’t leave now.” That was Jenna Collins. She was so kind as she greeted me and she made me feel so welcomed. I knew there was no turning back now and I am forever grateful. Almost immediately, I found myself weeping and weeping. I looked around and I discovered that was that I was not the only one crying. We all were.
The Deeper Still team was a conduit of the love of Christ for me that weekend. I had an encounter that I will never forget. My self-imposed walls of separation were abolished and I found myself seeing and accepting the true love of Jesus. I understood so much more fully the enormity of His sacrifice for me. I understood that my abortion was a violent sinful act, but that Jesus was bigger than my sin. His sacrifice covered it all and my debt was PAID IN FULL!
I am now walking in freedom that I never thought possible and I’m ready to walk out the destiny that He has ordained for me. Praise His Name!
GAP returns to U of Tennessee at Knoxville
This is our 8th day of GAP in the last 3 weeks. If you count our Pro Life Training Academy, travel, and prep work, it’s my 16th day of hard labor in 19 days. By hard labor I mean up at 6:00 am and to bed at midnight or later on GAP days … with only slightly more sleep on the other days. There would be 3 more days after this one.
But God is good. He knew that we were all tired. He didn’t test us. After we got the exhibit set up, I propped myself up on a wall underneath a shade tree, right near the poll table. They would have to come to me.
At the poll table, students answer the question, “Should abortion remain legal?” A “no” response means pro-life; we sign them up for the Pro Life Collegians. A “yes” response means pro-abortion; we initiate dialogue with the goal of helping them rethink their position. For most of the day, I just quietly asked the “yes” responders, one at a time, “May I ask why you responded that way?” If they answer, we’re off to the races.
For a nice change of pace, God didn’t send any combative people over to the table this day. The combative types can offer awesome opportunities, especially if they draw a crowd. But they are rarely thoughtful and it is hard work to be reasonable with somebody who is unreasonable. I just wasn’t up to it.
So God sent to me (and all the rest of us) a steady stream of people who were willing to have civil discourse. He also sent a number of pro-lifers who gave us encouragement. It was very different from most GAPs, including most GAPs at UT.
Of course, a few passersby gave us the “flying buzzard” as they rushed on past, but the drive-by’s can be easily ignored. We should aways remember that such people are often facing struggles that we probably can’t imagine. We should also remember that God loves each and every one of them, too. But God would have had a hard time loving them through us on this day. The civil ones got all we had to give.
40 Days for Life going strong in Knoxville

Students from Catholic High School gather for opening services for the Fall 40 Days for Life campaign. No other Christian school was represented.
Yesterday morning, about 50 Knoxville pro-lifers joined their counterparts in 300 other cities around the world by kicking off their semi-annual 40 Days for Life campaign. The opening services were held at Tyson Park, across the street from one of Knoxville’s three abortion facilities.
It was wonderful to see a number of teenagers, but it was a bit disheartening to know that they all came from one Christian school (Catholic High School). How many Christian schools are there in this town, anyway? How many “pro-life” pastors in Knoxville have ever attended a single 40 Days event? Ever been at the abortion facility, even once?
We are thankful for the Diocese of Knoxville Peace and Justice Director Paul Simoneau and 40 Days Coordinator Lisa Morris for their tireless work on this campaign. They really need your help … and they deserve your help. There are many time slots available for the duration of the campaign. If you’ve never been to a 40 Days vigil, now would be a great time to sign up! It’s really very low-stress, non-confrontational. It’s a time for prayer and presence. I hope you will take part. Check it out: E-mail Lisa at
Paul Simoneau and the National 40 Days for Life Director David Bereit will be joining me on WRJZ radio at 5:00 pm next Tuesday afernoon. They both have inspiring stories to share and I hope you’ll join us!
Pro Life Training Academy in Knoxville, Tennessee
The Pro Life Training Academy (PLTA) trains you to articulate and respectfully defend the pro-life position. Here we are in Knoxville today.
Pro-life hope for the future
Chris Lefebvre was among the pro-life crowd that attended the Planned Parenthood fundraiser at Market Square on May 6. Here’s her story.
Hope for the Future
Seven bright-eyed high school students stood in Market Square on a recent Friday night. Some of them held colorful hand-made signs defending life; others held signs exposing death. They came to stand with a small group of adults, including at least one post abortive woman. Together they formed a solemn semi-circle facing the stage where Planned Parenthood was holding its youth photo fundraiser called Framing Choice: What Choice Means to Me.
This small group had made the decision that Planned Parenthood would be confronted wherever they tried to promote their deadly deceptions. It wasn’t easy to devote a Friday night to standing vigil; some of the folks who passed by made hostile remarks and some gave us disgusted looks. Many more stopped to inquire and some even thanked us for being there. Some of the people who browsed the display told us afterward that they had no idea it was a Planned Parenthood event; there were no signs indicating the name of the organization and they were surprised to learn the name from us!
Many of us who were there on Friday night face these kinds of events with a certain degree of trepidation, but it never fails that, when all is said and done, we find abundant blessings in being willing to take a stand. This event was no different; the questions we were able to answer, the truth that was told about life and death and the seeds planted by that truth will bear fruit in uncountable ways. The most wonderful blessing of all was the presence of those seven courageous young people. They give us great hope for the future.
Please pray that God will guard them and add to their number. Pray also that Planned Parenthood will not go unchallenged whenever and wherever they try to promote their deadly work in our city.
Framing Choice | Pro-lifers promote Planned Parenthood event.

Pro Life activists in Knoxville display Choice signs (at left) and a banner announcing the PP fundraiser.
My trip to Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware continues. More on that later. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Shirley Moore and others took a number of CBR “Choice” signs to a Planned Parenthood fundraiser (PP) at Market Square in downtown Knoxville. Here’s her account:
Framing Choice: What Choice Means to the Victim
Planned Parenthood held their annual FYI Peer-to-Peer fundraiser at Market Square in Knoxville on Friday, May 6. This was held right in the middle of the May edition of Knoxville’s summer monthly First Friday celebrations. The Peers are students trained through 40 hours of exposure to Planned Parenthood ideology and advocacy coaching. They are required to make “100 informal educational contacts with their peers.” These newly designated “sex-perts” promote Planned Parenthood in schools, churches, and anywhere else teens gather. Here is Planned Parenthood’s announcement of the May 6 event:
Framing Choice: What Choice Means to Me
For three years, the teens of FYI have exhibited photography that explores choices in life – a road, a friend, a frame of mind, etc. The framed photos are always thought-provoking. With depth and beauty these Knoxville area teens explain what choice means to them and you have the opportunity to share in that experience. This exhibit promises to challenge and inspire you. In order to make the event a success, we need your help.
There you have it; they needed our help to make the event a success! You don’t have to ask twice! So a few of us borrowed CBR’s “challenging” and “thought-provoking” photographs to set up a display of our own.
Arriving early with the signs, I saw a large man in the PP party eye me suspiciously, even though the pictures were turned face-in, leaning against a tree, and not visible … not yet, anyway. Several of us gathered and waited for the young people to arrive. When those brave young souls entered the Square, we picked up our signs and walked toward the stage. We hoped to inspire a few people to reconsider what “choice” really means, so we held signs that said “Celebrating Choice Means Celebrating This” above the graphic photos of aborted babies.
A dozen of us stood in a semi-circle facing the stage, surrounded on both sides of the Square by diners enjoying a First Friday meal at the many restaurants. Since we were toward the front of the Square and not facing them, the diners appeared to pay little heed. Two of our party stood with their backs to the stage holding a long banner, announcing to those entering the Square from the opposite direction, “Planned Parenthood: the Largest Abortion Provider in the USA.” I think PP should be glad we were there to announce it was a PP event, for they had no signage of their own. No banner proudly heralding their name, no bold identifier … just a humble grey tri-fold display board with the PP logo at the bottom. A few people wandered through the exhibit, never realizing it was a PP event. Why so shy? How popular is that brand, anyway?
Perhaps the large man on stage called the police, because a policeman arrived and stood next to the stage most of the time. Which suited me fine, because some people walking by made comments of the hostile “hit and run” variety. But others were supportive and not afraid to come up and talk. One man said, “I’m against it too, but you shouldn’t be showing those.” And there he was, holding a professional camera with an impressive lens on it, lecturing me about censoring imagery. I thought, “If you’re against it, why not use that lens to stop it?”
A young man on a bicycle whizzed by tossing off a hit-and-pedal remark: “Mind your own business.” But as Jacob Marley’s ghost (A Christmas Carol by Dickens) says,
“Business!” cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. “Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!”
A professorial woman critiqued our images and explained facts about fetal development to a companion, never meeting our eyes or acknowledging our presence. Invisible as the unborn, I guess.
But the most boisterous reaction was from a musical band of blasphemy singers who took up positions in front of us and played loudly, mocking religion and believers in general, best I could tell. This song of mockery greatly heartened the PP personnel on stage and they came to the edge of the steps, beaming approval.
All in all, I hope PP appreciated our taking the opportunity to “share in that experience.” Anytime they need a banner to herald their name, we’ll be glad to bring one.
Planned Parenthood is still in schools, and I’m a recovering dupe.
My name is Shirley Moore and I am a recovering dupe, a victim of deception. Are you one too? I pretended for a hopeful moment that Planned Parenthood (PP) was out of the schools when they were removed from the approved speakers’ list on February 25, 2011.
But parents ought to know they have been covertly embedded for years in the education profession through teachers’ associations, PTA and the family life curriculum. They often play the role of “curriculum guidelines” policeman to maneuver their programs into the schools. It seems to have worked three years ago when they won approval from the Knox County Schools (KCS) to present their marketing pitch to the captive KCS audience.
The fly in the school reformers’ ointment was that they tore the cover off PP by putting them on the approved speakers’ list in 2008. It must have seemed the PP brand was acceptable now as it had never been before (even to Dumb Tennesseans, as one Knoxville News Sentinel letter writer recently called us). But was it really? A fracas ensued in the school administration building when parents discovered their presence in the schools in the fall of 2010.
The questions they raised about their fitness to be there showed it still isn’t a reputable brand. (And even Planned Parenthood supporters get squeamish when their association with them is made too public. That’s why the Life Decisions International Boycott list works…given time and persistent boycott participants.)
By removing all outside groups in the area of sex education, the Superintendent has undercut any abstinence presentations. Since no outside groups are presenting overtly, there will be no apparent need to “opt out.” But “opt out” was always a toothless maneuver as Planned Parenthood’s material and worldview can be woven into as many subjects as possible throughout the school day.
A Planned Parenthood trained teacher can serve it up in subtle ways. It’s called “comprehensive sex education.” Be aware: the hidden hand of Planned Parenthood remains in the KCS schools via teacher training seminars. The Superintendent admitted as much in the WATE-TV interview after the April 6 School Board meeting. It was a “yeah but, no but, yeah but” bumbling statement, but it’s there.
But what does our School Board think? We don’t know. They fired themselves from their jobs in 2008 by signing an agreement with the Superintendent promising not to dissent in public. Odd way to go about Racing to the Top. The top of what? The heap? But what’s in that heap? A heap of parents, the community, and our local democracy, for starters. Evidently, we can’t discuss it in public and that should tell us all we need to know about the secrecy and arrogance operating in this matter.
Shirley Moore
Knoxville, Tennessee
CBR Celebrate Life event in the news again
More Knoxville News Sentinel coverage of our Celebrate Life event.
Mike Huckabee speaks at CBR / Pro Life on Campus event

Gov. Mike Huckabee at Knoxville Convention Center
Great event Monday night at the Knoxville Convention Center with Gov. Mike Huckabee. We had more than 700 in attendance, and we’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback about the event. More about Gov. Huckabee’s remarks later.
Media coverage:
- Knoxville News Sentinel
- Knoxville News Sentinel – Greg Johnson column
- UTK Daily Beacon
- Tennessee Journalist
- Politico
- Metro Pulse
- The Weekly Standard
- CNN Political Ticker
A good crowd of 40 or so protested outside. The importance of this should not be underestimated. First, how fortunate we are to live in America, where the right of every person speak his or her mind is protected. The public debate and dialogue is a healthy process that shouldn’t be taken for granted.
Second, the presence of protesters is another affirmation that our strategy is working. If the abortion photos had no effect, the pro-abortion folks would just ignore us as irrelevant. In fact, showing abortion pictures is the one thing that pro-aborts fear most, because the pictures make it impossible for people to ignore or trivialize abortion. The images raise awareness and force the other side to defend an obviously horrifying act of violence against a defenseless human being.
BTW, our new video was very well received:
CBR featured in Knoxville News Sentinel: Graphic imagery shows truth about abortion
Great column in the Knoxville News Sentinel this morning by columnist Greg Johnson. Be sure to add your comments at the bottom of the column.
By the way, here’s your last chance to order tickets to Celebrate Life with Mike Huckabee on Monday night.
Keep Planned Parenthood and abortion merchants away from our children

Pro-lifers lawfully demonstrating on public sidewalks and in the air.
I attended the parent’s meeting at Sacred Heart last Thursday. A lot of good information was presented. The best speaker was Alaynna McCormick, the Hardin Valley Academy student who sparked the controversy by telling her mother what Planned Parenthood was teaching at her school.
So far, the school officials are mum. If they are getting the message, they aren’t letting on. They don’t seem to understand that their one-page curriculum is almost irrelevant. What matters is who is teaching and what they are saying. And in the age of the internet, what websites are associated with the speaker. It’s not just about what is said in class; inviting PP and the abortion industry into any school is an endorsement. I don’t care what the anti-smoking curriculum says, I still wouldn’t get Phillip Morris to present it.
Despite the good work done by all who presented, there are two key points that are not coming through, as yet. The parents are going to have to make policy makers and citizens alike more aware of two key points.
First, the PP websites contain much more debauchery than was exposed by any of the speakers on Thursday night. It’s just like trying to explain abortion. If you sanitize it, people don’t get it. To effectively rid the schools of PP, they need to be exposed. And they have published plenty of stuff that would make a sailor turn red. We just need to buck up and read this filth into the public record, no matter how dirty it makes us feel. Speakers need to blow up and hold up the pictures that are on PP websites and in their books. Otherwise, we look like a bunch of prudes. And it’s not just the description of the acts; it’s the encouragement of our teens to “experiment” and do whatever they feel like doing at the time.
Second, we need to expose the profit angle. In a previous post, FAB documented the amount of money that PP stands to make off marketing sex to our children. It is an outrageous conflict of interest, and it needs to be exposed.