Posts Tagged ‘KSI’
CBR Announces Key States Initiative (KSI) for 2014
CBR is at it again! We have launched our 2014 Key States Initiative (KSI), perhaps the most dramatic and effective pro-life voter education project every conceived!
CBR will drive large box trucks bearing graphic, oversize images of first-trimester aborted embryos and fetuses in major cities, as a way of educating voters about preborn children and what abortion does to them. CBR is operating the trucks in several states with tight U.S. Senate races to reach out to voters in advance of the November 4 elections.
These images are indispensable because they communicate to voters at a glance the crucial fact that abortion is a brutal act of violence that kills a baby.
The media describes pro-life candidates as “ultraconservative” and “extreme,” but they describe pro-abortion candidates as “moderate” on abortion. We will show voters the truth, so they will know that killing babies is extreme. Saving them is not extreme; it is compassionate.
If you would like to participate in this historic effort, please let us know. No special license is required. You must be 21 years old and have a good driving record.
Drivers must be available to travel to a nearby state, teeming with voters who need to know what abortion is and does. Immediate need for drivers willing to go to Arkansas and Louisiana. Alaska, North Carolina, and other states may also be targeted in the coming weeks.
Interested? Contact Lisa Olivier at 949-677-8697, or send us a message here.
Key States Initiative (KSI) deploys to Ohio … Help make history!

Pictures of abortion help voters see that being pro-life is not extremism; killing babies is extremism.
CBR has deployed three Key States Initiative (KSI) truck teams to Ohio, to make sure abortion is part of the political debate in that key state. Lord willing, they will operate in northern Ohio until Election Day. More about KSI here. Media coverage here.
Here is an encouraging word from Tom Herring, one of our volunteer drivers:
Driving a CBR truck was one of the most fulfilling pro-life activities I’ve ever done. … The likelihood of those teens [who saw the trucks] choosing abortion, or choosing abortion advocates to represent them in government, has been radically diminished.
We desperately need drivers in Ohio. We’ll get you there, we’ll house you, and we’ll feed you. No special license required. We’ll train you to drive! You must be at least 21 years old and have a good driving record. Please join our tream. Contact Leslie Sneddon Call 207-607-3488 or e-mail her at
If you can’t go to Ohio yourself, would you send us a tank of truck fuel ($350)? Because of our matching donor, your gift will double as soon as you confirm the online gift! That’s two tanks of fuel for the price of one! Who else will give you that deal today? Please give now. Then e-mail us at to confirm the match. Thanks so much!
Why not double your money? (And save babies at the same time.)
We have less than 9 weeks to get pro-lifers out to vote in 4 key states!
Every dollar you invest in our voter education project is instantly matched, all the way up to $75,000! You give $50, our matching donor gives $50 more. You give $5,000, our matching donor gives $5,000 more. For your support, here’s what you get:
- Immediate 100% return on investment. Will your 401-K do as well?
- Save babies’ lives. Pictures of abortion save lives. Happy mothers have told us so, over and over again.
- Get pro-lifers out to vote! If we don’t, we could lose all the pro-life gains we have made since 2010. And we could lose much, much more.
The pro-abortion health care bill, commonly called ObamaCare, will transfer billions of your tax dollars to the abortion industry. That’s “billions” with a “b”. If we fail to stop this insanity, our children and grandchildren will pay the price. The ones who live will pay with their taxes; the others will pay with their lives.
I’m asking you to make your voice heard by supporting this important project.
Remember, every dollar you invest in this critical project is instantly matched, all the way up to $75,000! So be sure to designate your gift for “Other” and type in “KSI”. Or just send us an e-mail and we’ll take care of it. Let’s raise $10,000 by the end of this week!
The trucks are in place; the rest is up to you. Please support KSI now, for we urgently need your help.
Why can’t the media get enough of this project?
Why are the media all over this project? The Key State Initiative (KSI), our pro-life voter education project, is on the road in 4 states. The media are biting!
That’s important because media coverage helps get our message out, whether they show the pictures or not. If they show the pictures, viewers get to see what abortion is and does. If not, viewers learn that abortion is so horrifying, it can’t be shown. Either way, our side wins.
- CBR displays graphic images of aborted fetuses at state fair
- Trucks to drive throughout Orlando, display graphic images of aborted fetuses
- Billboard trucks bearing graphic abortion images to roll through Arvada
- Radford baker continues to get a lot of attention, some of which he doesn’t want
- Anti-Abortion truck comes to Roanoke
- Graphic Images Of Aborted Fetuses Adorn Trucks In Virginia
- Anti-abortion group drives home message in Richmond
Make your voice heard! Truck fuel is very expensive. Truck repairs aren’t cheap, either. Travel costs are up. We’ve been on the road for 7 weeks; only 9 more to go! But we need your help. Unless we hear from you soon, we’ll have to park the trucks and wait. Yuck! We hate to wait because babies are dying and Election Day is coming fast. So please support KSI right now!
One great bit of great news: Every dollar you invest in this critical project is instantly matched, all the way up to $75,000! So be sure to designate your gift for “Other” and type in “KSI”. Or just send us an e-mail and we’ll take care of it. Let’s raise $10,000 by the end of this week!
The trucks are in place; the rest is up to you. Please support KSI now, for we urgently need your help.
Why does our driver love this project? An encouraging word from the road!

KSI truth truck is fully visible to I-4 traffic near Orlando, Florida. Other truth trucks are operating in Virginia, Iowa, and Colorado.
The Key State Initiative (KSI), our pro-life voter education project, is on the road in 4 states! More on KSI here and here. While the media focus on pocketbook issues, we are sending a pro-life message all the way to Washington! We haven’t forgotten the daily carnage, and we won’t let them forget, either!
Here is an encouraging word from Tom Herring, Co-Director of the Anti-Choice Project. He drove one of our KSI truth trucks for a week!
Driving a CBR truck in Iowa was one of the most fulfilling pro-life activities I’ve ever done. I wish I could do it 40 hours a week. … The enormous graphic display on the side of box-body truck is perhaps the best way to expose the violent act of abortion.
The gaping-mouth stares of teenagers – seeing abortion for the first time – were the most rewarding to me. Most of our youth have consciences which are still functioning. … The likelihood of those teens choosing abortion, or choosing abortion advocates to represent them in government, has been radically diminished.
Thank you, Tom!
Make your voice heard! Truck fuel is very expensive. Truck repairs aren’t cheap, either. Travel costs are up. We’ve been on the road for 7 weeks; only 9 more to go! But we need your help. Unless we hear from you soon, we’ll have to park the trucks and wait. Yuck! We hate to wait because babies are dying and Election Day is coming fast. So please support KSI right now!
One great bit of great news: Every dollar you invest in this critical project is instantly matched, all the way up to $75,000! So be sure to designate your gift for “Other” and type in “KSI”. Or just send us an e-mail and we’ll take care of it. Let’s raise $10,000 by the end of this week!
The trucks are in place; the rest is up to you. Please support KSI now, for we urgently need your help.
CBR: lead story on DC news!
CBR’s Key States Initiative (KSI) was the lead story on WUSA-TV in Washington, DC on Monday night. Virginia Project Director (and truck-driver extraordinaire) Nicole Cooley was interviewed on-camera by news anchor Peggy Fox. It was the lead story on the evening news! Links:
- News Story on WUSA-TV (awesome video)
- Text version (same video)
- WUSA-TV Facebook Page (130+ comments so far)
- Photo of truck on Twitter page
Nicole gave an excellent interview. WUSA highlighted some of the comments on their Facebook page. Amanda Reyes wrote:
I don’t want my children seeing this.
But Claire Lauderdale Gardner said:
These pro-lifers are showing the truth of what abortion does. It is tough to explain to kids because it is the gruesome murder of an unborn baby. And most kids git that it’s killing a baby no matter what a parent’s views are.
Another story popped up on our KSI trucks in Iowa.
Urgent video message from Fr. Frank Pavone
Fr. Frank Pavone just issued this urgent video message about our Key States Initiative (KSI), which aims to educate voters in key states for the upcoming elections. You don’t need a special license to drive; anybody can do it. Fr. Pavone says:
We want to elect public servants who know the difference between serving the public and killing the public.
To volunteer for KSI, click here. Here’s Fr. Pavone:
Pro-life drivers needed for 2012 elections, starting today!
CBR is at it again! We are launching our 2012 Key States Initiative (KSI) for 2012, perhaps the most dramatic and effective pro-life voter education project every conceived! And you can be a key part of this historic event!
The media describes pro-life candidates as “ultraconservative” and “extreme,” but they describe pro-abortion candidates as “moderate” on abortion. We will show voters the truth, so they will know that killing babies is extreme. Saving them is not extreme; it is compassionate.
No special license required.
Must have a good driving record.
Must be 21 years old.
Must be available to travel to a nearby state, teeming with voters who need to know what abortion is and does. Immediate need for drivers willing to go to Florida, Virginia, Colorado, and Iowa. Wisconsin and other states may also be targeted later this year.
Contact Leslie Sneddon
Call 207-607-3488