Posts Tagged ‘media’
Why can’t the media get enough of this project?
Why are the media all over this project? The Key State Initiative (KSI), our pro-life voter education project, is on the road in 4 states. The media are biting!
That’s important because media coverage helps get our message out, whether they show the pictures or not. If they show the pictures, viewers get to see what abortion is and does. If not, viewers learn that abortion is so horrifying, it can’t be shown. Either way, our side wins.
- CBR displays graphic images of aborted fetuses at state fair
- Trucks to drive throughout Orlando, display graphic images of aborted fetuses
- Billboard trucks bearing graphic abortion images to roll through Arvada
- Radford baker continues to get a lot of attention, some of which he doesn’t want
- Anti-Abortion truck comes to Roanoke
- Graphic Images Of Aborted Fetuses Adorn Trucks In Virginia
- Anti-abortion group drives home message in Richmond
Make your voice heard! Truck fuel is very expensive. Truck repairs aren’t cheap, either. Travel costs are up. We’ve been on the road for 7 weeks; only 9 more to go! But we need your help. Unless we hear from you soon, we’ll have to park the trucks and wait. Yuck! We hate to wait because babies are dying and Election Day is coming fast. So please support KSI right now!
One great bit of great news: Every dollar you invest in this critical project is instantly matched, all the way up to $75,000! So be sure to designate your gift for “Other” and type in “KSI”. Or just send us an e-mail and we’ll take care of it. Let’s raise $10,000 by the end of this week!
The trucks are in place; the rest is up to you. Please support KSI now, for we urgently need your help.
Media coverage of Fall 2011 GAP
Just now found this in my “Draft” folder. For the record, here is the media coverage from our Fall 2011 Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) excursions to Liberty University, Radford University, and the U of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
GAP at Liberty University
- Abortion demonstrators share graphic message with local college students
- Pro-life group gets banned from Liberty University
- Anti-Abortion Group Demonstrates near LU
- Thinking Christian: Christians condemning Christians
Radford University
- Students react to graphic anti-abortion demonstration at Radford University
- Abortion protests manifest at Radford, Liberty
- Graphic abortion protest at Radford U
- Letter to Editor: Big images, big impact
- Feelings toward protest from Republican perspective
- Letter to the Editor: New student overwhelmed by club presentation
- Letter to the Editor: Demonstration opens eyes to opposite sex
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Knoxville News Sentinel needed to dig deeper
I was disappointed in the Knoxville News Sentinel (KNS) editorial about sex education in Knox County Schools.
I’m not a KNS basher. Some of my conservative friends say it’s a liberal rag. I laugh because I remember what the Charlotte Observer was like, when I lived there in the late 1980s. That paper was comical, sort of a cross between the Washington Post and the old Pravda. But in all my time in Knoxville, KNS has covered my newsworthy activities faithfully and without prejudice. They have accurately printed my letters and I hope they will keep doing so.
But I was disappointed at the misstatements of fact in this editorial, as well as the failure to recognize and address the key issues. Perhaps it’s too much to expect. After all, I struggle to be competent on just one or two subjects. I can’t imagine having to become an expert on a new topic every day.
The most obvious error was the statement that Planned Parenthood (PP) “offers abortion services in some locations across the country but not in Knoxville.” In 2009, the KNS itself reported that PP “will dispense RU486, the ‘abortion pill,’ to women up to nine weeks pregnant.” On their website, PP lists “abortion services” as being offered in Knoxville.
Further, it has been widely reported that PP has directed all of their local affiliates to operate abortion clinics by 2013. That explains why PP’s former office at Downtown West was no longer big enough and they recently moved to a larger space.
Their status as an abortion clinic is a critical fact, because it means that PP stands to make a lot of money by marketing themselves in our schools. This is an outrageous conflict of interest that completely escaped the notice of KNS reporters and editors.
The editorial went on to say that PP’s website “linked to material that was inappropriate for the classroom and could be seen by some parents as offensive.” That’s an astonishing understatement that could have been written only by a person unfamiliar with the PP material. It would be like saying that Pat Summitt “has won a few ball games and could be considered by some fans as an adequate coach.”
Evidence of PP’s criminal behavior all over the US, including their institutional willingness to cover up sexual abuse of minor children, was completely ignored. Nor was it mentioned that PP routinely arranges for judicial bypasses that allow minors to get abortions behind their parents’ backs. Were these deliberate omissions or just plain sloppiness? No rational person could think them unworthy of mention.
The tone of the editorial suggested that the issue at stake was whether or not teens needed to know about sex. I don’t recall anybody on our side of the issue ever suggesting teens should be ignorant on matters of sex. We do, however, oppose the approach to sex that tells 13-year-old children that they might be ready for sex if they “trust each other,” “care about each other,” and “have fun together.” We object to PP’s “anything-goes” approach to sex. And I do mean anything.
To my knowledge, no KNS editor ever spoke with any of the parents about this matter. I don’t know if they interviewed the other side or not. Maybe KNS just takes at face value whatever Dr. McIntyre tells them. Maybe an ad hoc collection of parents just can’t overcome years and years of taxpayer-funded PP propaganda. Maybe KNS is a liberal rag and I’m too naive to see it.
I don’t know, but I have to think KNS could have written a more insightful piece had they bothered to do a little independent research. Speaking with some of the pro-family leaders who raised this issue might have been helped.
KNS, I love you, man, but you really needed to dig deeper on this one.
A Tale of Two Rallies | Stunning photos of Restoring Honor and One Nation
Some of the organizers claimed 175,000 or so attended, and one left-winger even claimed more attended Saturday’s rally than attended Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally in August. FletcherArmstrongBlog should win the prize for this, because nobody — not CBS, not MSNBC, not NBC, not even Fox News — is reporting the story like you are about to see it!
I went online and found a photo of each rally taken from the Washington Monument. (See caveat below.) See if you can figure out which crowd is bigger.

A Tale of Two Rallies - One Nation (upper) and Restoring Honor (lower)
Undisguised Contempt
I wanted to share with you two op-ed pieces by Charles Krauthammer. Well worth the read.
- The last refuge of a liberal – The theme of the column is summed up in two words near the end, “undisguised contempt”.
- It’s nonsense to say the U.S. is ungovernable – The Left’s contempt for American institutions.
Restoring Honor attendance reporting — more MSM fraud

Restoring Honor Rally at the Lincoln Memorial
I was at the National Mall Saturday. It was a huge crowd, much larger than the “tens of thousands” reported by the MSM. I’ve been to many football games at the U of Tennessee, so I know what 100,000 people looks like.
For comparison purposes, I saw a photo (on the world-wide-interwebs) of an Obama election rally at the Gateway Arch (St. Louis), which was reported to be 100,000 people. I looked at areal shots of both venues (National Mall and Gateway Arch) at the same scale. The Beck crowd was many times larger in size, although perhaps not as dense in some areas. My best guess is 300,000 or more were there Saturday. No way the crowd was smaller than 200,000. I wouln’t scoff if you told me 500,000.
The remarkable thing about the crowd Saturday is that the rally got very little pre-publicity, except on Beck’s TV and radio shows. I’m on a bunch of e-mail lists and I frequently get appeals to do this or that, especially when somebody is trying to drive up numbers. I never once got an e-mail to come to the Lincoln Memorial. (I was there because I just happened to be in DC last week.) I wouldn’t have known about it if my wife hadn’t told me about it, so I was shocked to see so many people.
More important than attendance was the actual message. More on that later.
Pro-abortion media fraud at the March for Life
Check out this video on media fraud at the annual March for Life in Washington, DC. Look for the CBR truth truck!