Posts Tagged ‘Michigan State University’
Pray for more students at Michigan State University
Pray for students who need healing. A young woman walked past, then turned around and came back. She asked of Ohio volunteer Laurice Baddour, “What would you do in the case of rape, and you had no other choice but to have an abortion?” Laurice: “Were you raped and had an abortion?” “Yes, when I was young.” (She is still so young!) So they talked. Laurice shared with her our “Ask the Victim” handout, told her that there are resources for healing, and said that maybe one day she will have regrets and want to access some of these resources. She walked away abruptly, but as she left Laurice said “Please know I truly care about you and am here for you.” She looked back, listened, then sadly and quietly walked away. Such women often suffer great pain and are unable to engage in civil conversation. God had prepared her heart for a seed of truth. Pray that this seed will grow and produce the fruit of healing.
The whole family needs healing. Missie was looking at the photos, at a distance, crying. Massachusetts volunteer Marie went to see what she could do. “My boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend (Susan) just had an abortion and we are all devastated and angry at her. We all would have helped her and she didn’t let us.” Missie took information on Rachel’s Vineyard and promised to give it to Susan as soon as her own emotions had calmed down. She believes Susan will be hurting sooner rather than later.
Pray for students at Michigan State University

Bryan McKinney came all the way from Virginia, along with his wife Christie and 17-month-old daughter Elizabeth, to save babies and moms at Michigan State.
Let us follow Paul’s example of praying for the lost.
Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. (Romans 10:1)
Pray for students who believe lies. As is always the case, pro-aborts asserted that the pre-born aren’t human. Honest students, even those neutral on abortion, were surprised that pro-aborts would base their arguments on something so blatantly false. (When Does Human Life Begin?) Pray that these students will come out of denial.
Pray for students who know the truth but lack courage to face it. Virginia volunteer Bryan McKinney spoke with two female students for a good bit of time. She answered the usual questions. Both young women were quiet for a long time and looked up at the pictures of children who had been decapitated and dismembered. The next day, Bryan saw one of the women standing with the pro-abortion protesters. When their eyes met, the young woman looked away. She knew what she was doing was wrong. Pray that this student will have courage to accept the truth.
Pro-life students at Michigan State gain influence because of tension

Written on our free speech board at Michigan State University: “Intense images … really forced me to think.”
The Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) created such an uproar at Michigan State University (MSU), the Students for Life (SFL) President Lisa Jankowski was elected Chairwoman of the College Republicans! Congratulations to Lisa! The CRs know what works, and they want it.
The tension surrounding GAP is not a negative we must overcome. It is a positive we should embrace, for two reasons. First, it is an indicator that people are uncomfortable when faced with the status quo. Isn’t that how we want them to react? Second, it is a facilitator of social change because it draws more attention, forcing people to think about abortion who would rather not.
I am not afraid of the word ‘tension.’ I have earnestly opposed violent tension, but there is a type of constructive, nonviolent tension which is necessary for growth. (Martin Luther King)
The pro-life students at MSU understood this. SFL Vice President Vinny Szczerowski wrote
By bringing [GAP] to MSU, we achieved greater interest in our growing Students for Life organization. The attention given to the uniqueness of this project gave our group a new reputation for being a strong advocate for pre-born children. Though we were met with fierce criticism, the amount of additional support given to the project and our organization made the efforts all worthwhile.
Why do so many students embrace this project? Because it works. Szczerowski wrote
… students even completely changed their once-held pro-choice mentality and began to see what an atrocity abortion truly is.
In other words, GAP works. People can see it.
Pro Life on Campus at Michigan State University
Michigan State University (MSU) was next up for CBR’s Genocide Awareness Project (GAP).
We were hosted at MSU by the Students for Life and their president, Lisa Jankowski. What a blessing to help students like Lisa stand up for truth and justice in a hostile world! You share in that blessing when you support CBR (click here).
CBR’s Pro-Life Training Academy prepared students to articulate and defend the pro-life position.
Media coverage:
- MSU Students for Life displays photos for anti-abortion campaign
- Students protest against MSU Students for Life poster display
- Letter: Pro-life protesters are misguided, need to consider reasons for abortions
- Editorial Cartoon
- Free speech should be celebrated on campus
More to come!