Posts Tagged ‘Planned Parenthood’
Debunking Planned Parenthood’s 3% abortion myth (AKA lie)
Even left-wing sources agree:
- Slate: “Most meaningless abortion statistic ever”
- Washington Post: 3 Pinocchios, “Very misleading”
According to PP annual report:
- Number of abortions = 323,999
- Number of patients = 2.5 million
- Do the arithmetic: 1 out of 8 patients gets an abortion, (not 1 out of 33)
Live Action explains in detail:
Planned Parenthood incites violent microaggressions toward black pro-lifers at Mizzou
by Jacqueline Hawkins
According to the definition found on — yes, that is a real website — “Racial microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of color.”
“[Microaggressions] create and enforce uncomfortable, violent and unsafe realities onto peoples’ workplace, home, school, childhood/adolescence/adulthood, and public transportation/space environments.” (source:
If that’s the case, then Planned Parenthood (PP) is guilty of multiple violent microaggressions at the University of Missouri (Mizzou).
At our recent visit to the campus, CBR worked alongside the Life Education and Resource Network (LEARN), a pro-life organization led by black men and women with a message to the black community. We were there to say that if Black Lives Matter, then ALL Black Lives Matter.
For the record, I am a black woman and also a Project Director at CBR.
But when Mizzou students incited by PP arrived, they were especially disturbed to see us black folks. “We don’t like that you are tokenizing minorities for your agenda!” they shouted. And, “You shouldn’t use minorities to further your agenda!”
Note how the uppity white kids did not speak directly to the black pro-lifers. They didn’t come to us and say that they were concerned about our presence and the intent of our white co-workers. Instead, they spoke about us, in our presence, as if we were children at a daycare. Or perhaps slaves, mindlessly doing the will of our white masters, too stupid to comprehend the conversation going on about us.
How demeaning can you be, to suggest that black people are so stupid, we can’t even decide for ourselves whether to be pro-life or pro-abortion. If black people don’t act right, it must be the fault of our white masters.
Please, let’s call this what it is … racism, pure and simple. The PP students viewed us as nothing more than stupid “nigger joes,” unqualified to have our own views. They were so filled with contempt, they wouldn’t even speak with us directly. We were beneath them, unworthy to be treated as equals. So they addressed their comments to our white “masters” (according to their view).
Maybe Blacks really do need a safe space at Mizzou. No PP allowed, because they just want to kill off the stupid niggers in the womb so that America can be made into their lily-white ideal.
PS: Planned Parenthood, don’t try to suggest that you didn’t incite this violence against us. They were carrying your signs.
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
Newbie staff member on pink out day
by Jacqueline Hawkins
As a newbie staff member, there’s a certain apprehension that precedes each pro-life outreach. Questions go through my mind while butterflies take residence in my stomach.
What’s going to happen? How will people respond to the pictures? Will there be protesters? Can I go back home, hide under the covers and come out when abortion is abolished? These questions raced through my mind as I drove to a local American killing field.
Planned Parenthood (PP) was hosting their national “pink out” day, a celebration of prenatal decapitation and dismemberment. The local sidewalk counselors and pro-life activists weren’t sure if this particular PP affiliate was going to participate, but they would make a preemptive strike with their presence. We stood with abortion victim photos across the street. The 40 Days for Life sidewalk counselors prayed and called for women to escape with their children.
As always, the apprehension died away as we took our places and focused on the task at hand. In this case, the outcome was low-key. We held our signs in peace. There were no pinked-out pro-aborts. A few passersby beeped their horns and gave us the thumbs-up. Some used another digit to get their point across. We call this phenomenon the “digital divide.” One passenger in a black SUV used her phone to take pictures of our signs as she rode by.
Low-key does not mean hundreds of passersby weren’t confronted with the true horror of abortion. Every minute of exposing abortion helps win hearts, change minds, and save lives.
That’s why I go forward … even when I’m tempted to go home and hide under the covers.
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
CBR brings controversial abortion pictures to Knoxville

Philip Hamilton speaking to a pro-choice supporter at the GAP on Market Square in Knoxville, Tennessee.
by Philip Hamilton
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) recently displayed photos of aborted fetuses in downtown Knoxville, reminding passersby on Market Square that abortion decapitates and dismembers little human beings. CBR’s display, known as the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP), exposes the devastating effects of a “woman’s right to choose” by focusing attention on what is actually being chosen.
The Market Square GAP was my first one as a new staffer for the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. During the course of the day, I encountered many people on both sides of the debate.
I spoke with a homeless couple who had lost custody of their children due to drug issues; they were staunchly pro-life. They said that while their children did not have an ideal childhood, there is always the option of adoption.
Later, I got a pro-choice progressive to admit that late term abortions were morally wrong. I told her about Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal organs. We discussed Virginia’s ultrasound law, which she supported because a woman should at least be able to see an ultrasound of the child before being able to kill him. I told her that there should be at least a 24-hour waiting period after the ultrasound is done, so that women can have more time to make and informed choices between life or death for their children. [The more time women have to think about their decision, the more likely they are to choose life.] She supported a waiting period after I discussed the reasons why the a waiting period is actually “pro-woman.” After seeing GAP, this progressive woman rejected some of the most extreme pro-abortion positions. Not a complete conversion, but it’s a start, and not a bad one in only 15 minutes.
At the end of the day, I spoke with a woman with two young women in tow. She supported our message, but ordered her children to look away from the pictures as we talked. In spite of her belief that children should not look at aborted fetuses in a public square, she believed that teenagers and adults must see them before they can make an informed decision on the effects of “choice.”
We have a choice, too. We have a choice whether to spend our time and treasure on winning hearts, changing minds, and saving lives. Will you devote your time and treasure to stand for the right to life?
EXPOSED: Stem Express Bought Organs from Planned Parenthood
by Philip Hamilton
The Center of Medical Progress conducted a three year investigation on Planned Parenthood, in which it was discovered that the biotech company Stem Express, LLC had been purchasing intact organs from children aborted by Planned Parenthood medical staff. In addition, stem cells from aborted fetuses have been purchased by this company.
In 2010, California resident Cate Dyer founded the company Stem Express, LLC. A screenshot of the company website, before it went into maintenance after the July 14, 2015 news reports exposing the ties between Planned Parenthood and Stem Express, LLC., shows the following organs for sale:

Screenshot of the Stem Express, LLC Website with information on the composition of fetal livers. (Breitbart Photo)
An additional screenshot of the website shows the retail value of the organs sold:

Screenshot of Fetal Liver – CD133+ Stem/Progenitor Cells for sale by Stem Express, LLC. (Breitbart Photo)
Fetal organs have been sold for thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the quantity of cells within the organ itself.
Clearly, the sale of aborted fetal tissue and organs is a measure that has been taken by Planned Parenthood in order to make the abortion industry more profitable. Inhumane actions taken by Planned Parenthood, such as the sale of the organs of unborn children, are yet another reason why all taxpayer subsidies for that organization must be removed.
On July 15, 2015, a protest, consisting of pro-life leader Patrick Mahoney and about 60 other individuals, at Speaker John Boehner’s office called for an investigation into Planned Parenthood. Hours after the protest occurred, Speaker Boehner announced he will press forward with an investigation on Planned Parenthood. I recommend you encourage individuals to follow my Facebook group for updates regarding this Congressional investigation.
For more information on Stem Express, LLC, visit the Breitbart article, “The Retail Value of Fetal Organs Harvested by Planned Parenthood.”
For more information on Speaker John Boehner’s announcement see the Business Insider article, “John Boehner calls for investigation into whether Planned Parenthood is selling organs.”
Philip Hamilton is a CBR project director and new FAB contributor.
Echo Tourism
by Mick Hunt
If you’re quiet and listen, you might hear their voices.
When I looked across the arena at the Roman Coliseum during a torrid August afternoon in 2009, I tried to imagine the scenes of death from so many centuries ago. I tried to hear the echoes of blades on shields and the mobs cheering as blood flowed into the sand.
I imagine people feel the same somber wonder and horror when they visit other certain historical sites around the world, death camp sites such as Dachau, Auschwitz, and Mauthausen, and the transport camp, Terezin.
At least two such tragic historical sites are located within Asheville, and the city is about to add another to its recommended tours.
One: The corner of 900 Hendersonville Road is now only a parking lot for a spiffy office building, but during the ‘80’s and into the early ‘90s, they aborted pre-natal children there in a low, squat building. Thousands of pre-natal children died in this sleazy, sordid place. The state of North Carolina tore it down to widen the road, and the business moved to the edge of Biltmore Village.
“Birds sang, the sun shone, flowers grew, and prayers rose up, but the laws of nature were not violated.”
Two: Train tracks surrounded the new building that was located in an industrial zoned area. It featured a narrow waiting room on steel girders spanning a dirty, limpid creek. Weeds grew up the walls of the building, and on one side, old roofing material made the siding. Steel bars guarded broken window. The abortionists drove in from Tennessee and South Carolina. It was a back alley abortion mill with a sign hanging in the front alley.
On a Saturday afternoon in November, 1998, I showed up as usual with my “Let Your Baby Live. We Will Help!” sign, but no one else came. No other pro-life people, no abortion workers, and no victims. I was alone. A sheet of white paper had been taped to the front window. For the first time ever, I walked onto the property and to the front porch. The note said the place had closed permanently.
I remember months later seeing a monster garbage truck parked in front, rocking back and forth. An industrial shredder on wheels. A few years later another business moved into the building, a non-profit called Save the Children. That’s right. I stopped once just to look around inside, and I asked the people there a few questions. I wanted to, but didn’t ask if they ever heard the echoes of screaming children. Sometime later, the owner tore the building down, leaving rubble, and piles of weed-covered earth, now in view of nearby spiffy office buildings.
Three: Apparently, the abortion center on Asheville’s Orange Street is closing now. A volunteer escort recently said so in an article titled “The Last Shift” that appeared June 15 in an online publication called The Asheville Blade. So, by the end of this month we’ll have another historical site of sorrow and death to add to the itinerary. Maybe “Save the Children” will buy the building and move in. Maybe someday this terrible place will end up like all the others, in rubble and fading memories.
My late acquaintance, Kentucky poet laureate James Still and I once ate lunch together nearly every day. I could never find his source, and I may not have the quote down perfectly, but he one day he said, “Birds sang, the sun shone, flowers grew, and prayers rose up, but the laws of nature were not violated.” He was talking about Dachau, which I know he visited. Maybe the quote was his own, a fragment of an incomplete poem.
My friends and I spent many, many hours on the sidewalk in front of Femcare–when thousands of people ignored, dismissed, ridiculed, or cursed our offers of help and appeals to moms and dads to let their babies live. Thousands of mothers carried their children passed us into the doors to be killed.
An independent observer watching the passers-by might suppose the middle finger to be an international sign for “choice.” But many people expressed support, too, as they walked or drove by. Our presence was always, usually, more a quiet vigil than a protest. I’ve watched and listened to starlings, crows, doves, pigeons, and hawks. Last Saturday, a noisy mocking bird entertained and annoyed us with his crazy song list, more of cacophony than symphony.
Prayers rose up. But not enough prayer and not enough people praying. On occasion a mother changed her mind and left with her baby alive.
Femcare is closing. A better name for it is Femkill. Though, what you call it is irrelevant now because it’s closing. What’s important is the killing probably is moving to another place—to a building on McDowell Street owned and operated by Planned Parenthood.
North Carolina law says it’s a felony to “destroy” “unborn children” unless the act is done by a licensed physician “in a hospital or clinic certified by the Department of Health and Human Services to be a suitable facility for the performance of abortions.” We often bring posters to the sidewalk depicting a 10 week child who was destroyed by abortion. This is what Planned Parenthood intends to do in its new building. It’s bloody, violent, and evil. There is no suitable facility for this.
So, are we nostalgic about our upcoming last shift at Femcare? Are we jubilant? No. Just feeling sadness and resignation. We’ll be shifting to McDowell Street, if necessary. Unique human beings, persons in embryonic or fetal form, will be destroyed in that place. And someday even it will be a ruined historical site where, if you’re quiet and listen, you might hear their voices.
Echoing in your conscience.
Mick Hunt is an FAB contributor. He has helped organize more than 50 Genocide Awareness Projects (GAPs) all over the southeast and elsewhere. This article is a response to “The Last Shift,” which was written by an abortion escort. Read the story here.
Hooking kids on sex, even in kindergarten (video)
Make no mistake about it, Planned Parenthood (PP) is coming after your children. See video report below, Hooking Kids on Sex II. (The original version was taken down by YouTube after a complaint by a PP operative.)
Paul Rondeau, Executive Director of the American Life League, authored a report for the Washington Times that described how the sex industry is using your money to promote perverted sex to children as young as kindergarten.
PP is funded with our tax dollars to market sex to our children in our schools under the guise of sex education, anti-bullying, diversity, and tolerance. Once sexualized, those children then become PP sex customers for contraceptives, STD testing, and abortion.
Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) activist and kindergarten teacher Jaki Williams has said that during kindergarten children are “developing their superego,” and “that’s when the saturation process needs to begin.”
Read Mr. Rondeau’s full article here.
See ALL video report, Hooking Kids on Sex II:
Abortion. No matter what. (video)
Awesome video produced by Students for Life of America (SFLA) explains how Planned Parenthood’s (PP’s) business model is fueled by promoting sex among teenagers. Key points:
- PP is Big Business that sells one thing, abortion.
- They need to sell as many as they can, so …
- They turn teenage children into loyal customers. First, they start with sex ed programs that promote promiscuity. Then, they sell low-quality contraception to teens, guaranteeing that many of them will contract STDs and get pregnant.
- When the teens return to PP with unplanned pregnancies — unplanned by the teens, but most assuredly planned by PP — PP offers “counseling.” The purpose of the “counseling” is to help PP achieve revenue goals by meeting abortion sales quotas. To sell more abortions, PP sales teams push teens toward abortion and away from parenting and adoption.
- Each abortion sold to a teenager brings in $450.
- Planned Parenthood is about abortion. No matter what.
Big Abortion caught helping child rapists … again (video)
We know that Planned Parenthood and Big Abortion routinely help child rapists get away with their crimes, in such a way that the abuse can continue undetected. We first became aware of this when Life Dynamics reported on the scandal about 10 years ago.
More recently, Live Action has reported video evidence that Planned Parenthood is still more than willing to help child sexual abusers and even sex traffickers commit and continue their crimes.
Big Abortion’s criminal cover-up continues. Just two recent examples:
In the video report below, produced earlier this year by Life Dynamics, the following statements jumped out:
… girls between 10 and 15 years old are now more likely to be impregnated by adult males than they are by boys near their own ages.
Life Dynamics has documented that virtually no mandatory reporting is being done by the clinics that provide these services. In fact, not only are the people at these facilities almost universally ignoring their states mandatory reporting laws, they often take an active role in circumventing them.
You wonder how this can happen? It’s not just the profit motive. And it’s not just your basic extremist ideological commitment to a woman’s “right” to a safe, legal, and rare abortion. No, it’s even more sinister than that (if that’s even possible). Some … not all, but some … of the people who populate Planned Parenthood and Big Abortion are wholly committed to the notion that any limitation on sexual behavior is unjust, so long as the act is consented to by both … check that … all parties. Even pre-teen children should have unlimited discretion to have sex with whomever they choose, including dirty old men. In their view, anything short of forcible rape is not abuse.
Planned Parenthood sex ed pics OK for kids but “too graphic” for adults
The American Life League (ALL) reports that both the New York Times and Washington Post rejected a full-page advertisement as “too graphic” and “shocking” for their adult readers. What was too graphic? This full-page color advertisement showed images from actual Planned Parenthood sex-ed materials used for children as young as 10 years of age. The rejected ad can be seen here: Maybe it wasn’t too graphic; or maybe the NYT and WP knew it was just too perverted for the common rabble to know about. Only they know how to raise our children, not us.
Blessed are you, Leslie Sneddon!
They say you can tell a lot about people by the company they keep … and the enemies they make. Actually, Jesus said it before “they” did. He said
Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12)
Kudos to CBR Maine Director Leslie Sneddon for passing this test with flying colors. Story here. Leslie and other pro-lifers are a regular presence outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Portland, Maine. As a result, a neighboring restaurant owner is in a panic.
This story clearly demonstrates that abortion photos and other pro-life activities can disrupt business-as-usual and thus are an effective tool for anathematizing abortion clinics and any commercial businesses who support baby-killing.
PP to teens: OK to swallow
In a new low for perversion, Planned Parenthood tells teens that it’s OK to swallow, as long as ” you’re OK with it.”
Direct quote from PP website (link):
Is it okay if u swallow semen?
Whether or not it’s “okay” to swallow semen depends on whether or not you’re okay with it. There’s nothing unhealthy, wrong, or dirty about swallowing semen, as long as you’re comfortable with it.
It’s not possible to get pregnant from oral sex, whether or not you swallow. (That’s because your mouth isn’t connected to your reproductive organs.) But having unprotected oral sex (again, whether or not you swallow) can put both partners at risk for a number of STDs, including gonorrhea, hepatitis B, herpes, and humanpapilloma virus (HPV). For safer oral sex, use a condom to cover the penis, or a dental dam to cover the vulva.
Just what you would tell your teenager, right? Translated:
It’s OK to risk contracting a deadly STD, as long as “you’re okay with it.” There’s “nothing unhealthy, wrong, or dirty” about it. Might be deadly, but if “you’re okay with it,” then go for it.
Here’s what God had to say about it (Romans 1:18-32):
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
Knoxville celebrates demise of long-time abortion mill

A crowd gathers at Tyson Park to celebrate and give thanks to God for closing one of Knoxville’s abortion facilities. One down, two to go!
On Monday evening, Knoxvillians gathered at Tyson Park to offer prayers of thanks for the closing of Volunteer Women’s Medical Clinic, an abortion facility that operated on Concord Street for 38 years. The closure (reported here) was attributed to Tennessee’s new law requiring abortion doctors to have hospital privileges.
One down, two to go! The Knoxville Center for Reproductive Health continues to perform mechanical abortions on Clinch Avenue and Planned Parenthood continues to perform chemical abortions on Cherry Street.
Obama gives $395K to Tennessee abortion mill, yet taxpayers are too stingy has reported that the Obama administration has sent a family planning grant of $395,000 to a Planned Parenthood abortion business in Memphis, Tennessee. (Story here.)
In a related story, we constantly hear that we have a humougous federal deficit because the working people who create wealth in this country are too stingy and won’t send enough of their money to Washington. That money is needed in Washington, they say, so the political class can claim to be compassionate to America’s poor people. (They love to be compassionate with somebody else’s money.)
Anyway, as long as they take our money and give it to baby-killers, their faux compassion for America’s poor will remain unconvincing, to say the least.
Planned Parenthood acts boldly against institutional hypocrisy, fires peon
In a bold move to stamp out institutional hypocrisy, Planned Parenthood (PP) has fired Rebecca, an entry-level counselor in Texas … because she couldn’t implement — or did implement, we can’t figure out which — PP’s self-contradictory policy on sex-selection abortions. It’s confusing, because it is apparently PP policy to condemn, support, and be nonjudgmental on sex-selection abortions, all at the same time!
At any rate, the counselor offered PP’s services to perform the abortion, an abortion it is their policy to peform, yet they fired her for it. Confused yet?
In a related matter, PP Executive Director Cecile Richards, despite having a full staff and plenty of time to prepare a thoughtful statement, couldn’t even explain the policy, at least not coherently. But she gets to keep her $400,000/yr job.
Here’s what PP has said about the sex-selection abortions that they themselves commit and profit from:
- PP: “Planned Parenthood condemns sex selection [abortions].” (source)
- PP: “We oppose sex selection abortion.” (source)
- PP “strongly opposes” limits on sex selection abortion. Specifically, PP opposes HR 3541, which would prevent sex-selection abortions, because it “will have the result of further shaming and stigmatizing women” who would use abortion to kill their female offspring. (source) [Note: It would be awful for PP to “shame and stigmatize” an act that PP profits from but claims to “condemn.”]
- PP provides “nonjudgmental” reproductive health care (i.e., abortions), apparently including sex-selection abortions that PP claims to condemn. (source)
- “No Planned Parenthood clinic will deny a woman an abortion based on her reasons for wanting one, except in those states that explicitly prohibit sex-selective abortions.” (story by leftist website Huffington Post, summarizing statement by a PP spokesperson)
How does PP “condemn” a practice that they themselves commit and profit from as a matter of policy? And how do they “condemn” the practice in a “nonjudgmental” way? … You can’t make this stuff up!
There are many ways to combat injustice, and each can be important because each can reach a different audience. At CBR … that’s my day job … we expose abortion using pictures. At Live Action, they expose the abortion industry’s war on women. Over and over again, PP has been caught on tape aiding and abetting the sexual abuse of minor children and even sex trafficking.
Earlier this week, Live Action released a video in which a PP counselor in Texas was confronted with a Live Action operative posing as a woman seeking to kill her child … if it were a girl. She wanted a boy. True to PP policy, the counselor provided “nonjudgmental” counseling and offered PP’s assistance if she found out later that she was pregnant with an unwanted female child.
As soon as Live Action released the video, PP fired the counselor involved. But of course, PP couldn’t explain what policy she violated. She told the client the same things that PP has said publicly … that PP will abortion your child in a “nonjudgmental” way. Perhaps the only way PP can deal with institutional hypocrisy is to fire the poor menial at the bottom of the org chart.
Efforts like Live Action’s are important because they expose the deep chasm between the American people, who want abortion to be legal only in certain circumstances, and Planned Parenthood, who makes huge profits when abortion is unlimited and is subsidized by your dollars (follow the money).
Here is the first video report from Live Action: