Posts Tagged ‘post-abortion healling’
Believing lies has consequences, for herself and for others.

Debbie Picarello, who is post-abortive herself, reaches out to pro-choice protesters. She can offer hope and healing in ways the rest of us never could.
With tears in her eyes, she said, “I interned all summer with the political arm of Planned Parenthood (PP). People called me a baby-killer all summer.”
She had been well-indoctrinated by PP—clean, safe, regulated, counseling, psychological help offered, ultrasounds given, etc.
“We save lives,” she claimed.
She was speaking with CBR’s Jane Bullington, standing in front of the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at James Madison University (JMU).
Jane kept reminding her, “Abortion kills a human being.” She hated that.
“It is not a human. What if it is not wanted?” (As if being “wanted” makes one human.)
“You can’t ask the mom to work at McDonald’s so she can have a kid and go to college; that is too demeaning.” (As if hard work is “demeaning.”)
[This reminded us of the Middle Tennessee State University student who said his mother was unmarried and waiting tables when she got pregnant with him. But she got serious about her life and went back to school. Eventually, she would become head nurse at a hospital and make close to $100,000 a year. It was a strong counter-example to the poverty myth. He went on to say that if she had aborted him, she would still be waiting tables. Anyway, back to JMU.]
Her most astounding statement was this: “Women have evolved and our bodies are not designed to carry and deliver these babies anymore. They are too big for our small pelvic bones.”
Lemme get this straight. PP’s buddies on the Left say it took millions of years for the human body to “evolve.” Now, in only two generations, the female reproductive system has further “evolved” into something dysfunctional? Why? Because of evolutionary pressures? From what? Radical feminism? Has PP become that ridiculous?
Believing lies has consequences.
She began to cry uncontrollably and kept saying abortion does not kill babies. Jane now knew she was post-abortive. She was seeing, for the first time, the monstrous lies she had told herself and others. She was horrified.
It was horrifying to us, also. We were too late to save her oldest child(ren), but we pray the truth will save her younger ones.
We also pray she will repent of telling abortion industry lies and tell the truth from now on, to others as well as to herself. We pray God will use this painful experience to save many babies and moms.