Posts Tagged ‘Ruby Nicdao’
From facetious to serious at Radford University
by Ruby Nicdao
We overlook flippant comments, because it is critical to engage people with opposing or dismissive views and help them reason.
As one couple walked hand-in-hand past our display, I offered a brochure and asked what they thought. The guy answered, “I’m an art student, so I’m indifferent to this.” His girlfriend smiled at the retort.
Ignoring his dismissive attitude, I asked, “Okay, so what do you think of our artistic layout? Do you agree with our comparisons?”
He responded, “Yes, I would agree with the comparison.” He pointed to the dismembered baby’s hands and feet wrapped around the top of a quarter (an obvious national symbol) and remarked, “That looks like America stands behind abortion.” Even though he was saying it in jest, there was truth in what he was saying.
I pressed further, “Okay, I know you are being facetious, but do you think the the pre-born is a human life?” He said he did, but that he is not a female and this was not his choice to make.
I pushed further, “If this were a toddler and her mother tried to kill this toddler, would you stand up for this child?” He said he would. [This is a variant of the trot out the toddler argument.]
I continued, “Okay. So if your girlfriend became pregnant and she wanted an abortion—and you just admitted that the pre-born is a human life—would you stand up and speak up for your child?”
He then said, “Yes, yes. I guess I would.”
This one man’s shift of attitude won’t change the world tomorrow, but he did begin to think of abortion as a serious human injustice. He saw the need to stand up for one child about to be killed, especially if it were his own.
Ruby Nicdao is a CBR Project Director in Virginia and is a frequent FAB contributor.
CBR “moron” explains prenatal development at George Mason University
[This story was submitted by CBR Virginia Project Director Ruby Nicdao.]
As is usual for the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP), some were hostile at George Mason University (GMU). One called me a“moron” after I gave her one of our GAP brochures (How Can You Compare Abortion to Genocide).
I asked, “How am I a moron?” She said she would come back later and tell me why. A couple of hours later, she returned with a 2-page list of expenses necessary to raise a child and a number of photos of miscarried babies. None of it addressed the question of whether it is OK to decapitate and dismember little human beings. Nor the question of when, during a child’s development, it becomes no longer OK to kill that child. Nor the question of what criterion should decide who can be killed and who must be protected.
Our discussion centered like most discussions I have with the students: “Is the fetus in the womb human? And if so, it is wrong to kill it?”
Hopefully, I planted enough seeds for her to finally see the light! I also gave her the When Does Human Life Begin? handout, which provides references from medical textbooks, medical professionals, abortion advocates, and even abortionists themselves, all admitting life begins at fertilization. For example, Dr. Arthur Morris, Jr. was an abortionist who said, “Life begins with fertilization and abortion is legalized destruction of life.” (Asheville Citizen-Times, April 4, 1976.)
CBR appoints Ruby Nicdao as Project Director for Virginia

Ruby Nicdao and one of the babies she helped save at the largest abortion mill in Virginia. Through Ruby’s work, this mill has been permanently closed!
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR), Southeast Region Operations, is pleased to announce the appointment of Ruby Nicdao as our newest Project Director in Virginia.
Ruby started pro-life activism as an engineering student at the University of Florida, when she was invited by a friend to pray near a local abortion mill. Soon, she was counseling women on the sidewalk. After graduating, Ruby continued sidewalk counseling on Saturdays while working full-time as an electronics engineer for the Department of Defense.
Ruby moved to Northern Virginia to study theology at the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College and worked as a systems engineer on missile defense systems. She told FAB
It’s ironic that while our country spends billions to protect our people from ballistic missile attacks, millions of children are unjustly killed in the womb, under the radar.
Beginning in 2009, Ruby led 40 Days for Life campaigns at NOVA Women’s Healthcare, the largest abortion mill in Virginia. The campaigners at this mill not only prayed to end abortion, they also exposed abortion using CBR “Choice” signs.
As a result of Ruby’s leadership, the number of abortions at NOVA dropped by 28 percent over four years. In 2013, this abortion mill close forever! Her most memorable pro-life experience came in 2014, when she held for the first time a baby she helped rescue from this death camp.
A resident of Fairfax, Ruby will work in close collaboration with Nicole Cooley of Churchville and Maggie Egger of Front Royal, CBR’s other Project Directors in Virginia.
If you’d like to support Ruby (or any of our staff members), it’s quick, easy, and secure to support CBR online. Whatever you can do will make a huge difference. To support Ruby’s work in Virginia, designate your gift for “Virginia Projects (SE-RMN).”