Posts Tagged ‘University of North Carolina Charlotte’
Mixed Nuts at University of North Carolina Charlotte

Pictures and peaceful Christian pro-lifers open the eyes of misinformed students.
Deceitful men want to keep their options, weak pro-lifers refuse to evangelize, but strong women keep their children and excel in their careers.
Ignoring the Great Commission. “I believe abortion is wrong but also it is wrong for me to tell anyone what they should do.” Good thing the Apostles didn’t feel that way.
Legislating morality. “We shouldn’t legislate morality,” she told CBR volunteer Anne. Anne replied, “All legislation, even traffic laws are legislating morality.” “Well you have a point!” the young woman admitted.
Jesus was right. Again. A female police officer had a 12 year old girl. She had her daughter when was 16. The father of the baby and her own father thought she should abort. But she did what she had to do to make it happen. Now she has a beautiful daughter. And a career. Reminds us of Matthew 6:33: But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
It’s all about feewings! “The fetus is only a baby when the mom feels like it is,” she said.
Honest presumptions. “It’s part of her body. And you believe it has a soul, but the rest of us don’t,” the older man said. Maggie replied, “I didn’t say anything about a soul.” He put his hand out and said, “I’m just going to make presumptions about what you believe, and I’m not interested in having a longer conversation.” At least he was honest.
HIS options. “Yes it should be legal. Because I like having the option!” the young man said. Ladies take note. If he gets you pregnant he will want to exercise his options. You and your baby won’t stand a chance.
Kind words and pictures make the difference. “The only reason I support abortion is because I don’t believe they are human yet.” After a discussion with CBR staffer Mik’aela Raymond and a peek at the fetal development sign, she softened. “I did not expect you to be nice and informative. Seeing the pictures make me think abortion is more wrong than I thought.”
Pro-Life on Campus in Tennessee and North Carolina

Newbie staff member Mik’aela Raymond went on her first GAP tour the Spring of 2018. She did great!
In the Spring semester, we focused our GAP efforts on North Carolina and Tennessee. We traveled to Appalachian State, the University of Tennessee, Tennessee Tech, UNC Charlotte, and UNC Greensboro.
North Carolina is especially important, because it is one of the most important swing states in our region.
These are all schools we have visited before, but once every year or two is not too often. New students come and go, so we always get a new audience. Also, even when we get repeat customers, they often say that we move the needle on their opinions with each visit.
With your $upport, we will get abortion photos on every campus, every year. With that much exposure to reality, it will be almost impossible for pro-abortion professors to lie to our students any longer.
Check out the press coverage:
Gems at University of North Carolina Charlotte, Part 2

CBR volunteer Laurice Baddour stands with a Rwandan man in front of the Rwandan genocide picture. He gave the display two thumbs up!
Here are some more beautiful gems from GAP at UNC Charlotte (UNCC). This is a continuation of Gems at UNC Charlotte, Part 1.
Grandma’s reaction. An outraged young man shouted, “I want verification of these photos!” We gave him our verification documents. “Oh, that doesn’t count; that information is not from a local doctor!!!” he concluded. In response, a wise older woman told Jane, “What idiocy. That young man is coming from guilt. Why else all this anger? I am taking pictures of your photos to show my 18-year-old grandson before he goes off to college. As Christians, we don’t believe in abortion, but you can hear the word all you want, but hearing is nothing like seeing! This is real!!”
Making Planned Parenthood decent. After the young woman signaled her support for abortion at our poll table, Jane engaged her in conversation. At the end, she concluded, “Let’s just keep PP open on the side that does women’s health care and close down the abortion side!” Hey, if they just do mammograms, pap smears and adoption referrals, that’s fine by us!
22 years in and she can’t imagine … “My parents wanted me to abort my baby, but I just couldn’t!” She recounted how it changed her, made her mature, and made her sacrifice. Now she has a 22-year-old son and cannot imagine her life without him. “I would love to be here and tell these students that if I can be a teenage mom, anyone can be. Yes, it made me grow up faster than I wanted, but I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything. I want so much to tell them not to be afraid.”
A helping hand sees the hope. Another student chimed in that he has volunteered at a nearby pregnancy resource center. He has seen many college-age students face the challenge of an unplanned pregnancy with hope and determination, once they hear about the options, services, and programs that can help. He wanted to get involved with the student group to bring more displays and information to the campus.
Don’t tell them what to do…just make them not want to do it… A 30-something man considered abortion evil, but a necessary evil. He considered killing anything evil but sometimes it had to be done. He didn’t like our shock tactics. Jackie explained that our goal is to change public opinion so that abortion was an unthinkable evil for everyone. The light bulb went off in his head and he suddenly liked what we were doing. He came from the standpoint that we couldn’t tell people what to do in the laws, but we could inform them so that even if it was legal they wouldn’t want to do it. [Note: Just to be clear, we want laws against abortion. As it is with slavery, we want abortion to be unthinkable for civilized people, but we still need to laws that will restrain uncivilized people.]
From pro-abortion to sign me up! CBR volunteer Laurice Baddour asked a young woman if she was pro-abortion or pro-life. She responded that she was pro-abortion, however she was willing to listen. After speaking for no more than 15 minutes, the young woman thoughtfully admitted that she was now pro-life. Laurice wanted to push the envelope. Would the young want to get her new pro-life feet wet in the pro-life club on campus? YES! And with that Laurice signed her up. In 15 minutes, a pro-abortion-turned-pro-life student committed to being a pro-life on Campus activist. [Note: Not all students who pledge to pro-life activism actually follow through with their commitment. That is why we are thankful for you, because you make our work possible, not with your words, but with your deeds. Thank you!]
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
Gems at University of North Carolina Charlotte, Part 1

With one press of a button, her social media friends will see the pictures. Not only that, but probably their friends and their friends’ friends.
The University of North Carolina was a deceptively quiet school. There were no huge protest groups and things seemed pretty uneventful.
The one exception was the barricade jumper who spray-painted one of our signs. (He has since been forced by the Court to pay restitution to CBR.)
We had many, many positive interactions on this campus. So many, we can’t cover them all in one post! Here is Part 1.
A day when we won’t come back. “I met you 6 years ago. I am glad you guys came back, but I would be glad if you don’t come back again. That would mean we have ended abortion!” said a young man in a wheelchair with considerable and permanent physical disabilities.
Power of the pictures. Cody was amazed. “Wow! This just amplifies what I believe. It makes it so much more important, you know, and like, brings it from the back of my mind to the forefront. Thank you!”
Understanding casual murder. Angie told Jane that she worked in a hospital lab with “products of conception”—slides made from babies dead in the womb from natural causes. As she puffed on a cigarette, she lamented, “Seeing this when it’s a casual ‘choice’ is really different. This is so sad.”
Seeing is believing is outlawing. Bobby told us, “You see it and it really becomes real. It makes you think maybe it should not be legal for sure. So different than I thought.”
If they can get the milk, … A UNCC administrator came by the display. She said, “I marched with my parents in the 70’s and I can hardly believe we are still fighting this battle. My 27-year-old son told me recently, ‘Mom, why do we guys need to get married when the girls give us what we want for free?’ And I say, ‘girls, wake up!’”
She can do anything! “I was pregnant and thought about abortion for a second. It did cross my mind. And I was having some problems with my fiancé at the time, so I talked to my mom. She said, ‘You can’t do that. You won’t be able to live with yourself.’ So I didn’t. I stayed in school and had my baby, and things are great with my fiancé now. Having a baby while in college is not easy, but now I feel like I can do anything.”
More to come. Stay tuned for Part 2.
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
Pro-Life On Campus At University of North Carolina at Charlotte
GAP at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) is always a special treat for me, having lived there briefly about 30 years ago. Both UNCC and the city have grown tremendously; the change is really something to behold.
Like many urban universities, UNCC seems to have a lot of students who actually work as well as go to school. People with productive jobs are not as susceptible to left-wing kookery. We had many pleasant encounters with thoughtful students.
On the other hand, one man jumped the barricades to vandalize one of our signs. He was arrested and is currently facing charges in criminal court. We got some awesome video.
More to come.