Posts Tagged ‘University of Rhode Island’
College sophomore would overturn First Amendment at URI
Eric Casey, a sophomore at the U of Rhode Island (URI), is circulating a petition to overturn the First Amendment at the University of Rhode Island (URI). Story here. To make matters worse, Mr. Casey identifies himself as a history major on his Facebook page. YIKES! I posted this online response:
Mr. Casey’s conception of the First Amendment is fundamentally flawed. More about that, but we must first acknowledge that his petition is partly accurate. Abortion pictures are “highly disturbing” (his words). That’s because abortion is an act of violence that kills a baby.
Mr. Casey says that he doesn’t want to violate the free-speech rights of the College Republicans (CRs), yet his petition demands that URI prevent speech that he finds non-compliant with “the principles of respect and human dignity.” Of course, he says nothing about those whose speech promotes the dismembering and killing helpless preborn children whose only crime is to be unwanted. Would Mr. Casey sign a petition to remove that speech as well?
Do you see where this is going? Once it is determined that non-compliant speech may be censored, then it becomes a matter of whose speech is non-compliant whose is not. You can be certain that Mr. Casey will insist that people like himself be in control of whose speech may be disallowed and whose may be heard. In this kind of environment, you can count on hearing the full range of political thought, from the far left to the extreme far left. Fortunately, the First Amendment protects us from his kind of tyranny.
Our founders said that “all men are created,” that “they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” and that “among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The First Amendment doesn’t “give” us the liberty to speak freely, because that right was ours already; the First Amendment merely recognizes a right that is “unalienable” because of our status as human persons. Whether you believe in a Creator or some kind of natural law, it is clear that the same foundational principle that protects our speech from arbitrary power also protects our lives. Mr. Casey shouldn’t be so quick to give that up.
In his petition, Mr. Casey demands that URI withhold funding from the CRs as one mechanism to regulate speech. He should be aware that the University of Wisconsin (UW) recently earned the opportunity to pay $500,000 in legal fees because of similar viewpoint discrimination ( At issue was discrimination in the allocation of student fees.
Back to the subject matter of the GAP display, I have a question for Mr. Casey: If abortion is such a great idea, why do pictures of it make you so angry? And how can it be that showing a picture of a dead child is extreme (your word), but killing the child is not?
Our purpose is never to condemn anyone who has had an abortion. If you need healing from a past abortion or help with an unplanned pregnancy, visit For more information on abortion, For more on freedom of speech,
GAP at University of Rhode Island, Day 2

"Abortionists profit from human trafficking." This is a reference to recent revelations about Planned Parenthood.
Media. It was another awesome day. Unbelievable coverage on the front page of the student newspaper. You can’t see it online, but they published a whole 2-page spread of photos that included some of our best GAP signs. On the paper’s website, I noted that this was the first mention of abortion since 2008! Yikes!
Southern Hospitality, in the North? We were really struck by how polite everybody at Rhode Island has been, regardless of whether they agree with us or not. Not sure why. Perhaps the people of Rhode Island are just naturally polite. Perhaps Rhode Island promotes a small-state, small-town culture. Perhaps the presence of 4 police officers put everybody on their best behavior. Perhaps Rhode Island is so blue (left-wing), they viewed us as more of a curiosity than a threat to their “rights.”
Opportunities. Regardless of the reasons, we had many, many opportunities to present the pro-life message to students. We had 10 or 15 staff and volunteers who never stopped handing out pro-life literature and speaking with students all day long.
Calm down? The pro-abortion protesters gathered, but were relatively quiet. Still, I overheard one student complain as she walked between their group and our display. She said, “Why can’t both sides just calm down?!” I had to laugh as I thought, “This is as calm as it gets!”
Don’t forget us! As usually happens, some Jewish people complain because we compare abortion to the Holocaust. On the other hand, a Ukrainian employee of the University approached me and suggested we add the Ukrainian genocide to our display. A few years ago, a gentleman who was interested in the history of Native American oppression actually praised our inclusion of the Wounded Knee massacre. Go figure.
More to come? We’ll do more of this, but only if you help. If only 8 people give $100 per month, we can add another major university to our schedule every year. Perhaps you can’t give $100, but you can give something. The best way to maintain the status quo is to do nothing. Please do something.
Silent No More at University of Rhode Island
At the University of Rhode Island (URI) yesterday, 4 women and 1 man wore t-shirts identifiying themselves as “Silent No More” (SNM). This outreach has a powerful effect on students.
URI student “Adam” asked if most abortions are performed very early in pregnancy. GAP/SNM volunteer Hannah explained that she didn’t even know she was pregnant until late in the first trimester.
Nicole added that after being raped and convinced by her pastor to abort, she called an abortion clinic. “When I called, I was at 3-1/2 weeks. The clinic told me to wait until 6 weeks because it would be safer for me. What they didn’t tell me was that in 3 more weeks, my baby would have arms and legs. What made the abortion ‘safe’ was their ability to count body parts. When I learned this after the abortion, I was devastated.”
Adam winced as Nicole told her story and took our literature to read more about the genocide comparison. He also returned later in the day to talk to Hannah further.
The most dramatic witness came later in the afternoon from another rape victim who taped the words “RAPE VICTIM, PRO LIFE” on a black shirt, stood defiantly in front of the abortion pictures, and faced the protestors across the street. They gaped at her, and half of them immediately abandoned their protest.
Pro Life Training Academy in Kingston, Rhode Island

CBR Maine Director Leslie Sneddon opens the PLTA at the University of Rhode Island. More than 25 people participated in this training program.
The Pro Life Training Academy (PLTA) trains you to articulate and respectfully defend the pro-life position. Today, we were at the University of Rhode Island (URI). Tomorrow and Tuesday, we’ll display our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at URI, Lord willing.
Featured PLTA speaker was Jay Watts, the VP of Communications at the Life Training Institute (LTI). As a former pro-choice atheist, Jay is uniquely prepared to show you how to deal with people like … well … his former self.
Let us know when you want to bring the PLTA to your city!