
Posts Tagged ‘Weber State’

Gems at Weber State

“I believe life is the greatest gift,” Salvador told Jackie Hawkins.

There were several gems at Weber State, where we saw a good response to the pictures.  Even the pro-abortion protesters had to admit that their point of view may not have been correct.

Something to think about.  Parker was all over the place, at first.  He guessed that life started when the child first breathes (at birth) or when the heartbeat could be detected (at three weeks gestation).  But after seeing the photos and speaking with Joanna Keilson, he admitted, “You definitely made me think about something today.”

Maybe not today, but maybe in 5 years.  “I appreciate the civil dialogue. You haven’t changed my mind today or tomorrow, but maybe in 5 years,” a protester said with tears in her eyes.

I guess maybe that is what it is…  “My uterus is not an incubator!” the female protester exclaimed.  To that, Pastor Don Blythe asked her, “What is your uterus?”  She didn’t know what to say.  Her friends wanted to answer, but Pastor Don only wanted to hear from her.  She mumbled, “Well if you want to have a baby…OK, it is a kind of incubator.”

What if it happened to you?  A police officer said to Anna, “You know what I always want to say to these kids?  What if your mom had done that to you?”

Powerful indeed.  Pastor Don said of GAP, “This is a powerful ministry.  There’s just no doubt about it.”

The greatest gift.  The wonderful student Salvador was very pro-life and thanked us for being there.  “I believe life is the greatest gift.”

Not often heard.  “I was sexually assaulted when I was 11,” she told Maggie Egger.  “Why should I have to keep a pregnancy that could kill me?” Maggie told her, “I am so sorry that happened to you. I would say if a woman or a girl has a pregnancy that is life threatening and all other treatments have been considered, we can’t require her to be a martyr.”  And she replied, “Thank you. I haven’t heard that from many people.”  By the end of their conversation the young woman insisted that there be more support for pregnant women.  To that Maggie agreed wholeheartedly.