The Abortion Debate | Pro Life and Pro Choice Agree!
The president of the pro-life student group at the U of California recently said, “Berkeley Students for Life hosted the most high-impact pro-life event our university has ever seen ….” It was our Pro Life on Campus GAP display. A public health class turned into a 2-hour discussion of abortion. A professor told us said how “compelling” he thought our abortion pictures were. A female student exclaimed, “Wow, I think [God] really sent you to me. I say that because I’m pregnant. I was actually considering abortion.” We see these kinds of astounding reactions on every campus we visit. That’s why the president of Students for Life at the U of New Hampshire told us,
“There is no doubt in my mind that GAP is the most effective pro-life project that any pro-life club can bring to their school.”
How effective? Five years after CBR’s 1998 launch of GAP—it was the world’s first, large-scale, abortion photo outreach to students—the pro-abortion New York Times reported a shockingly pro-life opinion shift among students. The article “Surprise Mom: I’m Anti-Abortion” (March 30, 2003) reported that the “… most commonly cited reason for the increasingly conservative views of young people is their receptiveness to the way anti-abortion campaigners have reframed the national debate on the contentious topic, shifting the emphasis from a woman’s rights to the rights of the fetus.” It was our photos that “shifted the emphasis.”
Five years later, the Los Angeles Times published an even stronger affirmation of the power of CBR’s abortion photos. “Abortion’s battle of messages” (January 22, 2008) was authored by Frances Kissling and Kate Michelman, two of the abortion industry’s most strident proponents of “reproductive choice.” Ms. Kissling was president of “Catholics for Choice” and Ms. Michaelman was president of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL – now “NARAL Pro-Choice America). The authors made a startling admission: “Advocates of choice have had a hard time dealing with the increased visibility of the fetus.” Meaning the “fetus” they deceitfully dismissed as a blob of cells. Even more amazingly, they concede that
“in recent years, the antiabortion movement [meaning CBR] successfully put the nitty-gritty details [meaning pictures] of abortion procedures on public display [meaning university campus exhibits], increasing the belief that abortion is serious business and that some societal involvement is appropriate.”
These pictures are precisely why our success with students continues to build. Just last month, Newsweek published an article (“Saint Sarah”) that quoted a study conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. That study revealed that 70% of “young, white evangelicals” want more restrictions on abortion, compared with only 55% in the “older generation.”
The one thing that pro-choicers and pro-lifers agree upon: Young attitudes are changing and the reason is our abortion photos!
Every year, we get far more requests for assistance than we can possibly handle, because we lack sufficient funds to visit more college campuses. We struggle even to keep our current projects funded. To make matters worse, this tough economy is increasing pressures to kill babies at the same time it is decreasing our ability to save them. On behalf of babies and moms, we need your help.
I’m asking you to look at last month’s check register and/or credit card bills and see if you can’t find a place to cut ten (or even five) dollars you could begin sending to CBR on a monthly basis. Only $10 a month will take our Pro Life on Campus display to 240 college students every year. If you can afford cable TV ($40/month), an equal check to CBR will take our display to nearly 1,000 students every year. Think about that. Please act now.
Your willingness to live a little more modestly could enable you to give a little more generously. The result could be a baby’s chance to live any life at all. Please save a baby’s life right now!
Tags: abortion debate, abortion pictures, anti-abortion, campus, CBR, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Genocide Awareness Project, pro life sign, pro-life debate, prolife, right to life, Truth Trucks
This entry was posted on Thursday, July 8th, 2010 at 8:15 am and is filed under Campus Debate (GAP). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
July 8th, 2010 at 2:40 pm
This is excellent proof that what “pro-lifers in name only” argue against really works. The truth does work more effectively than their non-offensive, seeker sensitive, do nothing plan.
July 10th, 2010 at 6:14 pm
I think this is a wonderful way to show Pro-choice” people the truth about abortion and what it does to an unborn baby. They can no longer say that it is a blob of tissue and refuse to ignore the fact that it is murder.
October 31st, 2011 at 7:40 pm
Fred Barnes on pro-life progress says:[…] These pictures are precisely why our successes continue to build. (For more on this, see previous FAB post here.) […]