Virginia Tech student ran away from the Truth and destroyed her child. Why?

Debbie Picarello set up a table for Deeper Still, a post-abortion counseling ministry, at Virginia Tech. She is able to reach many people who will not walk over to the GAP display itself.
She was a student at Virginia Tech. She was 23, post-abortive, divorced, and has a toddler and a new boyfriend. She joined the protest against GAP. She has lived hard and experienced a lot.
She came from a Christian background and was pro-life until she aborted her first child and walked away from the faith. She does not regret her abortion and is thankful she had it. She wouldn’t look at the pictures while we talked.
After 45 minutes she finally said “Ok, I now get what you are saying about a woman’s autonomous body and the baby’s autonomous body. They don’t share the same DNA and the baby is not a part of her body. I am really struggling now.” We gave her some literature about prenatal development. She thanked us and said, “I am now interested in reading about this.”
Here is the question that keeps us awake at night …
What if her pro-life pastor had understood/cared enough about her salvation and her baby to show her the truth about abortion?
Why didn’t he show her an abortion video (e.g., Choice Blues) before she shed innocent blood and ran away from Jesus.
Tags: abortion pictures, Choice Blues, Genocide Awareness Project, Virginia Tech
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