You should be ashamed!
Got a comment today on a previous FAB posting. Read Mari’s comment here (Comment 1).
My response follows:
Thanks for commenting on the GAP project at UNF. Yes, we know that the abortion pictures are extremely disturbing. They are difficult for you to look at, because you have a functioning conscience. That’s a good thing.
Please permit me to address some of the specific points you raised.
You say that you would have no problem with us handing out pamphlets to people who wanted them. But these methods appeal to you because they would make it easy for you to ignore the injustice you now find so disturbing. Your complaint reminds us of what they said to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., when he marched against racial injustice. They wanted him to confine his activities to the Black church, so they could ignore the injustice he sought to correct. They didn’t want to be bothered. And as long as Dr. King didn’t bother them, they were OK with it.
But Dr. King knew that in order to change the status quo, he had to show people that racism was much worse than they imagined. It was pictures of Black men and women being attacked with dogs and water cannons—those pictures appearing on TV and in magazines reaching millions of American households—that turned the tide against segregation in the South. We have no hope of correcting the injustice of abortion unless we expose it.
Our operating principle actually comes from the King family. Dr. Martin Luther King said that, “America will not reject racism until America sees racism.” His niece, Dr. Alveda King, now says that “America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion.” That’s why we are working to make sure that every American sees abortion for what it is, an act of violence that destroys a growing child.
The fact that you and others find baby-killing disturbing is actually encouraging. The people who worry us are the ones who don’t care about it.
You said you came to the campus to learn. You learned something today. First, you learned that the preborn child is a living human being, even in the first trimester of pregnancy. Second, you learned that abortion is an act of violence that destroys a living human child. This information will be very valuable to you, if you want to do the right thing.
Speaking of learning, doesn’t it bother you that so many people and institutions have conspired to tell you only lies … lies about who the preborn child is and lies about what abortion does to her. The education system, the media, the entertainment industry, the government, and others have all conspired with the abortion industry to make people believe that the preborn child is just a mass of cells and abortion is just removing a benign medical procedure. Had they told you the truth, we would not have been compelled to come to your campus.
You say that we are exploiting unborn children by showing their pictures. How so? If we are exploiting these children, then isn’t it equally true that the Holocaust Museum in Washington is exploiting European Jews by showing pictures of their dead bodies? You can’t go to any Holocaust museum or read a book on the Holocaust without seeing a disturbing photo of dead Jewish bodies.
You say you had no choice in the matter of whether to look at the photos or not. Actually, you could have turned your head away from the pictures and walked right on by. We watched many people doing exactly that. Apparently, you didn’t turn your head; the fact that you are so disturbed suggests you studied the images very carefully. We’re glad you did, but it was clearly your choice to study them or not.
And even if it is true that you had no choice but to see the photos for a few seconds before you were able to avert your gaze, are you so selfish as to be unwilling to endure a few moments of discomfort in other to save another person’s life?
You say that we should be ashamed. It reminds me of something Louis Hine said. In the early 1900s, he displayed photos of very young (adolescent) children working in coal mines, textile mills, etc. He wrote in his memoirs that some people were more angry at him for showing the pictures than at the industrial bosses for abusing the children. It is the abortionist who should be ashamed for killing the children, not us for exposing the truth.
For more information about abortion—no matter what you decide, you want your decision to be informed by the facts—visit
Tags: abortion pictures, GAP, Genocide Awareness Project, UNF, University of North Florida
This entry was posted on Monday, February 20th, 2012 at 5:00 pm and is filed under Campus Debate (GAP). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
February 23rd, 2012 at 8:11 pm
You SHOULD be ashamed. You certainly did not give me a choice on looking at the photos or not at UCF last week. Sure, you posted warnings …that were literally 3 feet in front of the disturbing images. You did not think about how traumatized some girls are who have gotten abortions, and how they would feel on seeing the photos. I’m pro-life, but what you do is immature and uneccessary.
February 24th, 2012 at 12:31 am
Julie, one of your classmates at UNF, disagrees with you:
Our operating principle actually comes from the King family. Dr. Martin Luther King said, “America will not reject racism until America sees racism.” His niece, Dr. Alveda King, now says that “America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion.” That’s why we are working to make sure that every American sees abortion for what it is, an act of violence that destroys a growing child.
If showing pictures is unnecessary, then Julie is wrong and Dr. Martin Luther King was wrong and Dr. Alveda King is wrong. We don’t think so.
We will continue to do this because we if we don’t, the killing will never end. Will pictures of it remind post-abortive women of their abortions? Yes, but the post-abortive women who staffed our display will tell you that denial prevents healing, and pictures can be a huge factor in helping bring women out of denial so they can begin healing.
Should we be compassionate toward post-abortive women? Of course! But we can’t lose sight of one important fact: If there are post-abortive women at UNF, then there must also be pre-abortive women at UNF. These are women whose abortions will be performed next week, next month, or next year. The most compassionate thing we can do for the pre-abortive woman is to show her the truth, so that she won’t make the tragic decision to abort her child. We must show the truth not only to her, but also to her boyfriend, her husband, her friends, and anyone else on whom she will depend for support during the pregnancy.
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